Try out my setup right here:
Every role in this setup is meant to be important in their own way.
Trackers (in meeting): act similar to templars, clear each other, and can see those who visit twice (monkey, mafia), once (killer, vigilante), and never (amnesiac, watcher). But odds are, at least one of them is going to die n1, so whichever one is alive has to out.
Watcher: can help determine who possible killers are by trying to find who will die. They also can confirm at least one of the trackers, if needed.
Vigilante: Don't get caught, but try to find the mafia. Hope the monkey doesn't double monkey the vigilante.
Monkey: Most important town role of the game, it is recommended to visit same person twice. That way, monkey can confirm who prs are if they see and do town (Exception: Vigilante who would be killed), They get amnesiac to visit self and avoid being converted. Seeing and Doing the killer or the mafia is going to kill them. But if the kill the mafia, it is dangerous to visit monkey if witch setup, or ceptor in ceptor setup.
Amnesiac: hope that you do not get killed n1, because it is hard to win as amnesiac. if the mafia is dead by night 2, choose them. you can act like you had no idea what to be. Or if you want to townside, you can choose to be a townsided killer (vigil). Especially useful if mafia is dead as well. It really depends on who is dead in order to decide who you want to turn into. If you cc anything, cc the monkey, otherwise if you claim amnesiac, monkey will monkey you, and you will never convert, making you never win.
Killer: try to hit either monkey, mafia, or vigilante at night. hitting investigators diesnt do anything helpful. If you are going to be killed, whisper your amnesiac read as to become killer and joint win.
Interceptor: Kill and intercept same person. this way, if anyone visits the kill, they die too. also it shows up as one visit, where you can simply cc vigilante.
Witch, visit two different people, and claim monkey trying to experiment if you are discovered by tracker, if watcher report is revealed on witch, then it is easier to claim vigilante. Either way, you want those people to visit the witch target.