keep it civilized you pigs
and don't post facebook links that's stupid
Interesting idea: organize all of the user's faces on here by winrate on their main account.
cozy says Enjoying my fat self in the bahamas you are not at all fat you look great bby
Enjoying my fat self in the bahamas
ur so cute marry me
hellow someone smashed into my car today and i want to die
Zippyvinman says Trump won. How's that make you feel?
Trump won. How's that make you feel?
pic is a lil' over a year old now, but dis is me
uglie says i'm sleep deprived and manic hello Hi, you're cute and I love you
i'm sleep deprived and manic hello
uglie says i'm sleep deprived and manic hello <3 cutie
spiritualized says brandon says when you tryna get married please come move in with me so you can show this nyc boy what a cali girl can do
brandon says when you tryna get married