The Eighteenth Trophy Game
Saturday, August 5th, at 8:00 PM EDT
The Hosts
powerofdeath, cjn104, evolpz, jbomber732
The Trophy Game
Summer is ending, so let end the summer with a bang! Us four will be hosting the 18th Trophy game!
We will be aiming for as many players as possible. Reserve below if you wish to play in the game. If you are unable to post, just send me a PM or hit me up on Skype: powerofdeathx
The winner of this game will receive all the glory and you get to join the big league! And of course, the shiny gold trophy will be given to you! Second and Third place will also receive Silver and Bronze Trophies!
We will open up few chatrooms around 7:30. In order to get in the Trophy Game, you must join one of the chatrooms by 8:10! That way we will figure out who is actually playing, and we will then send out the password to the actual games.
Good luck! May the best win!
- CJKelly
- KatyaWasRobbed
- benfox2
- Knife
- xMeowtwo
- SecurityBot
- YanmegaMan
- hedger
- Uglyduckling2929
- FireDragonPrince
- Highspace
- deandean
- ISamEI
- R0ronoaZoro
- FFSieraDamnThomas
- HardCarry
- munchyoshi
- JPriced
- MegaRaptor789
- ImDory
- FireStone
- ahrre
- Bob01
- jack
- freshman
- PotatoPlayer
- Dared
- Elfen
- Karthikbk
- jgriff
- hotjacket
- Chanman123
- Nicol
- colester112
- Townread
- BenKenobi
- Vibrage
- braskol
- Jakeyy
- hasdanta
- bryce1997
- pamda
- Voice
- Jellofish
- Lelmoo
- xSoniaNevermindx
- favors
- itsRob
- angkoror
- Picante
- Gerry
- Savirino98
- overthnkr11