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RSSurvivor Season 20: Greece

almost 7 years

Welcome to RSSurvivor: Greece! On Saturday the 22nd, 8pm EST, players will be competing for the title of sole survivor in this historical country. Greece is famous for its mythology and its gods, and this will be the basis for the tribes this season!

Four tribes, all representing a different Greek God. Which Greek God is your gameplay most similar to?

The 1st tribe we have is called Zeus. Zeus was the king of the Greek Gods… a true leader. Do you tend to be the strategical leader when you play Survivor? Do people often look to you for decisions on who to vote out? Then this is the tribe for you.

The next tribe is called Apollo. Apollo was fiercely loyal to his family and his allies. Do you often stay close to your allies? Is it a rare occasion that you would backstab someone? This is your tribe.

The 3rd tribe available is called Hades. Hades was a patient, but ruthless God. He was brilliant at judging the appropriate moment to act. Are you good at biding your time, patiently waiting for the right moment to make that clever, calculated move? If so, this is the tribe you should join.

Finally, we have the last tribe called Ares. Ares was a God of war, aggressive, who acted on impulse. Are you the type of player that plays aggressively, always seeking to make big moves? Do you find it hard when you are forced to wait to make these moves? Then this is the tribe for you.

Looking for around 24 players. Please reserve below if you are interested, and let me know which tribe you want to be on. If you don’t have enough points to post, just send me a pm!

Hope to see you there!

almost 7 years
Benfox2 is moved to Zeus!
almost 7 years
If needed I can move to Zeus(or wherever).
almost 7 years
Current reserves:

1) Withered
2) Benfox2
3) Brarskol
4) Colester112
5) Overthnkr11
6) LHarney

1) Jatkins211
2) Knife
3) JmickeyG

1) FFSierraDamnThomas
2) Connorwq

almost 7 years
Reserving for JmickeyG on Hades!
almost 7 years
Reserving for Apollo if there's room, if not put me on Hades
almost 7 years
Reserving for Connorwq on Ares!
almost 7 years
Reserving for Jatkins211 on Hades!
almost 7 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

just found out you can't curse lmao

What did you mean to put lol? Just leave out one character
almost 7 years
just found out you can't curse lmao
almost 7 years
apollo getting all the
almost 7 years
Reserving for Apollo
almost 7 years

rs1993 says

benfox2 says

rs1993 says

Convenient how everyone wants to be on Apollo, the loyal tribe... hmmmm

Well I'd prefer to be with loyal people then people who describe themselves as "the strategical leader" , "patient, but ruthless" or someone who "plays aggressively, always seeking to make big moves"

Naaaa, in reality you're all just snakes who don't wanna be exposed ;)

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're exposing me before the game even begins :P
almost 7 years

benfox2 says

rs1993 says

Convenient how everyone wants to be on Apollo, the loyal tribe... hmmmm

Well I'd prefer to be with loyal people then people who describe themselves as "the strategical leader" , "patient, but ruthless" or someone who "plays aggressively, always seeking to make big moves"

Naaaa, in reality you're all just snakes who don't wanna be exposed ;)
almost 7 years

rs1993 says

Convenient how everyone wants to be on Apollo, the loyal tribe... hmmmm

Well I'd prefer to be with loyal people then people who describe themselves as "the strategical leader" , "patient, but ruthless" or someone who "plays aggressively, always seeking to make big moves"
almost 7 years
Convenient how everyone wants to be on Apollo, the loyal tribe... hmmmm
almost 7 years
Tenta reserve for Apollo! :)
almost 7 years
Reserve for apollo!
almost 7 years
reserving for apollo
almost 7 years
Reserve for ares lol
almost 7 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

Someone tell me which tribe i am

Aphrodite :doge:
almost 7 years
Someone tell me which tribe i am
almost 7 years
He likes to swim. Do you like to swim in vivors? Join Poseidon!
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

Poseidon was robbed

Lol, I couldn't find an appropriate personality trait to distinguish him from the other gods!
almost 7 years
Poseidon was robbed
almost 7 years
Reserving for Apollo!