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Net Neutrality day.

over 7 years

Today is the day where the internet stands together to fight for Net Neutrality.

What is Net Neutrality? Well it's what stops the internet providers from censoring the internet. The FCC has rules against internet providers throttling, censoring, or pushing back websites that they dislike. This will also mean that our internet providers will be able to push harsher limits and stuff. I'm sure other people can explain it better than I can.

This site has a list of the companies that are fighting for net neutrality. This site gives you the option to add your phone number to call your senator/send an email. Find one yourself?

This is a super important issue and taking the time out of your day to tell your representative that you do NOT support the repeal of Net Neutrality.

TL;DR - Help save the internet?

I voted to save Net Neutrality.
5 signed
Go internet?
deletedover 7 years
not to undermine this, but isn't the voting for this in like, august
over 7 years
Real Talk is this gonna get me busted for my bestiality p*rn
over 7 years
Net neutrality is the obamacare of the internet, pls stop xD
deletedover 7 years
is there an option to anti-sign this??

I anti-sign this
deletedover 7 years

Dominos are 50% off all week though....

does this mean net neutrality is bad?
over 7 years
Here's a pizza analogy: Dominoes owns all the roads and lets everyone travel on them for a small fee. When Pizza Hut wants to travel on the roads, Dominoes charges them a very large fee. Pizza Hut can barely afford to pay this. Smaller places like Davanni's can't afford to pay it at all, so they go out of business.

Here's an electrical analogy: Your electricity company charges you an extra $5 every month if you plug in a laptop, $10 if it's a desktop, $3 per television, and if you plug in fans, they don't supply electricity to those devices at all. Electricity is electricity and what you plug into a socket in your home is not the electrical company's business.

In addition to internet service providers charging you more for certain content like anime, movies, music, or email, they can create packages and tiered data plans. Want to access spotify? That's an extra $5 per month. Hulu or Netflix? Another $10. YouTube? Shell out $5 more. Gmail and google docs? $5. Pintrest, Facebook, and Tumblr? $10 each.

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon should not control what we are able to see and do online. Even though 80% of Americans support net neutrality , the FCC is voting to remove that protection. Read more and contact the FCC at:
6:37 PM
over 7 years

Vihart - courtesy of weareking.
over 7 years
over 7 years
i would do it if i didnt get social anxiety over the phone ;-;
over 7 years