almost 7 years

Ever feel the jury never votes for the legitimate player in the end? Ever feel robbed of a win because of one? Well look no further as the verdict is out!

Three individuals, or Jurors if you will, shall be watching your every move in regards to your gameplay. At the start of each day, there shall be an immunity challenge. Following this, the Jurors will deliberate and nominate the two individuals they feel are playing the worst out of everyone. After that, the remaining players shall vote to eliminate one.

This cycle shall continue until ultimately there are two players left, where as you might have guessed, a Jury shall deliberate and vote for who to win.

So, do you feel you have what it takes to impress the jurors? Find out on Saturday, July 29th at 8:00PM EST!

Otherscott and myself will only be accepting 16 players for this so if you don't think you can stay the whole time or can commit to playing, we ask that you do not play!

Hosted by

Otherscott and cjn104




  1. CJKelly
  2. benfox2
  3. bryce1997
  4. colestar112
  5. Accost
  6. FireDragonPrince
  7. Markus
  8. Tartosis
  9. Bob01
  10. MegaRapter789
  11. Gage
  12. evolpz
  13. globetrotter89
  14. bboy29
  15. FFSierraDamnThomas
  16. sammy


  1. FannyChmelar
  2. jbomber732
  3. KatyaWasRobbed
  4. UglyDuckling2929
  5. ZadenTheSurfer
  6. hasdanta
Do you think you will be able to impress the Jury?
No, I am not a good player
Of course, I'm a great player
almost 7 years
looks lit, reserve if i don't work that day, not sure yet.
almost 7 years
Put me in coach.
almost 7 years
Unfortunately I can't play in this, but just wanted to say that this sounds like a great idea! Good luck!