So I've been poking this idea around for a while, and I've decided I'm going to go through with it. This is just going to be a simple TWL that is made for over 20 players. As long as there are 20 players, we can do this!
It will take place FRIDAY, JULY 21st, at 7:00PM EDT.
- Uglyduckling2929
- cjn104
- Knife
- jgriff
- Lharney
- bryce1997
- JohnBatman
- KazamiYuuji
- CJKelly
- HighSpace
- arisuu*
- Jpriced
- MegaRaptor789
- jbomber732
- favors*
- KatyaWasRobbed*
- Elfen
- sammy
- Citycall
- Voice
Reserves are completely open. If you have not reserved, feel free to do so.