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wholesome subtweet thread

about 7 years

this is a thread where you u say something nice/lovely about someone but u don't reveal who it is

take the goodness and kindness inside you to your GRAVE

i feel good
duh na nuh
na nuh na nuh
almost 7 years
youre really great!! i miss hanging out with you and stuff ;;
almost 7 years
This user got my vote in superlatives
almost 7 years
all of these are about me
deletedalmost 7 years
this is a cute thread

i honestly didn't expect you to seriously be my friend because it seems really difficult in this format and i kinda made my persona unpleasant but you saw past that and i really appreciate that you care and listen and i hope you find happiness in life because you deserve it and much more
almost 7 years
this is a weird thread

You've got problems. We both did when we were closer. Mine exacerbated yours and I'm afraid that you may have not recovered. I hear that your life is kind of a wreck now, and it keeps me up to think I might've had a hand in it. But, despite our flaws, you're honestly one of the kindest people I've ever met in my entire life. No matter how hard things were, you were always smiling, greeting me and holding on tight. I see you now with other people like we used to be, and it fills me with joy to know you still have that quality, despite it not being reserved for me anymore. Even if our friendship, relationship, whatever it was is in the gutter now, you'll always draw people towards you because of your overwhelming gentleness. I've never forgotten about you, and I'm deeply apologetic for all the lies, , drama that I caused. I can only hope that, some way, your tenderness helps you find your path.
almost 7 years
about 7 years
send bed hair snaps
deletedabout 7 years
sned noods
deletedabout 7 years

chow says

Herredy says

chow says

lowkey appreciate you.

idk if this is me idk...

if it was you it'd have involved noods

oh my god...tru dat...
about 7 years
i look up to you, and im sorry i couldnt be there for you when you were at your lowest. thank you nevertheless for listening.
about 7 years

Herredy says

chow says

lowkey appreciate you.

idk if this is me idk...

if it was you it'd have involved noods
about 7 years
I look forward everyday to chatting with you and hearing how your day goes. Even though life is in essence an autistic kid relentlessly windmill punching you in the balls, while your hands are tied up behind your back - chin up, I know you can make something of yourself. I have complete faith in you.
deletedabout 7 years

chow says

lowkey appreciate you.

idk if this is me idk...

baabaa says

i miss you :(

defs not me
deletedabout 7 years
why does everyone call me mini blister
isn't that a bad thing??
about 7 years
im glad ure doing great things irl since u left em a month ago YEHET but i miss u and ur profile changes. c0me bcak
about 7 years
You always keep me in check, and remind how amazing I am <3 from the the bottom of my heart. sorry for that time I made u cry from that one card thing lmao
about 7 years
I always want to bring up that one awful conversation/argument/fight we had and apologize for it because I stepped outside of my lane and fought for my argument without even knowing fully what I was talking about. I made a complete fool of myself and said a lot of awful things towards/about you. I regret that 100%. I think you're an incredible and funny human being. I appreciate you a lot and I have no idea if you'll be able to tell this is about you but if you can, I think you're the cat's meow and I hope you're as happy as possible, always.
about 7 years
lowkey appreciate you.
about 7 years
Personal diary time, if you're looking for you it's not in this post, although I'd give you props if you could guess either.

When I found out you were defending my name even when I wasn't there, even if I might as well have been gone for good, I was stunned. You were a stranger to me, someone who I didn't even know, and yet you moved through like a bullet train of pure unaltered ambition and rage against some of the toxicity around here I was... speechless, and we only got to talk for a short while before you left. I don't know who you were and I'm still dazed and confused, but thank you, you were one of the most interesting sandboxers I met even if it was only for a few days.


Just one other one. Our entire time spent together flew by like a flash. One day we knew each other, the next we were obsessed, and the next we flew apart. You'll never read this, like the other one above, but before 2017 if there was ANY event I could choose to redo, or relive, it'd be that time we spent together, not because I want the results to change, because there's something so much more important to me down the line, but because you're one of the first people I learned to actually have feelings for, and after all that? All you did was carry on with guilt for ages, something you should have never have done, because neither of us were at fault.

Well, I'm just mumbling on about the past. This is positive but I'm sentimental. Keep on truckin' s-box
about 7 years
i miss you :(
about 7 years

kumi says

bibty says

not to kiss a$$ or anything but you are the greatest person ive ever met, you won't see this but it's not like i have to remind you anyway

i saw this and you did have to remind me so thanks

whatever helps you sleep at night. dont derail this thread you monster
about 7 years
you are the greatest!


every time i feel like being foul and awful, i remember the kind of person you are and it makes me want to rise above myself. thank you for being such a light.

i love you! you are incredibly important to me and i will always be here to make sure you never forget how wonderful and worthy you are.
deletedabout 7 years
you make me feel safe and loved whenever you talk to me! i really appreciate you! :D
deletedabout 7 years

bibty says

not to kiss a$$ or anything but you are the greatest person ive ever met, you won't see this but it's not like i have to remind you anyway

i saw this and you did have to remind me so thanks
about 7 years

Dyl says

Hold up are we allowed to post about ourselves

well we all know now don't we

(the answer is yes, self luv is encouraged)