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This not gamethrowing

over 7 years

Clearly gamethrowing doesn't require intent if you can get gamethrowing violations by playing to win.

If you're playing with townies that are adamant on lynching the uncc'd doc, how is it gamethrowing to let them during a ml? If the only people in the table that didn't vote the doc are 2 PRs and a mafia, a consensus has been met, especially in light of the fact that the only person that even attempted to prevent the lynch was the clear that allowed the BW to start in the first place.

over 7 years
ignoring mathematical illiteracy...

i think if someone thought that a town would be better off without an "Idiot Cop", using the ML to be rid of them could potentially be a valid idea

if that someone were uh, critically stupid. refer to point [A]
over 7 years
You're calling me stupid, but the real stupidity is that the uncc'd doc was able to be ml'd despite both PRs and a mafia voting no one.

This also doesn't change the fact that Charley and the current mod staff are rewriting the gamethrowing rules to give me a violation.
over 7 years
poor zovvie
over 7 years
vote to OT to NV based on new evidence ;)
over 7 years
case closed, no violation
over 7 years
well, my point has been made for me. zovea is indeed that stupid
over 7 years

Zovea says

The reason we actually lost the game was because of Soda in the last day, and the actions of a townie that voted to hammer me.

over 7 years

Zovea says

Zovea says

I don't imagine you guys are too good at math. Even if I had voted no one, the votes left up would have resulted in my lynch.

wait, you're telling me that you saw into the future and could tell alsrud was gonna vote you?

if that's the case, why didn't you see the town loss that would proceed afterwards
over 7 years

Hibiki says

i think zovea was stupid enough to think there were more votes on him

This would also imply that it's POSSIBLE to gamethrow with a ml in an act that wasn't me directly hammering myself.
over 7 years

BigBadBoy says

2017 and Zovea still hasn't matured into an adult.

Says that guy that spent 8 years as a banned user on a online game site.

How long before you get yourself banned agian, ABC?
over 7 years

Hibiki says

i think zovea was stupid enough to think there were more votes on him

Zovea says

I don't imagine you guys are too good at math. Even if I had voted no one, the votes left up would have resulted in my lynch. Taking out destructive townies with a ml, including myself and an incompetent cop that allowed the BW to form on me in the first place is EXACTLY playing to win and we would have lost the game for the EXACT same reason.

over 7 years
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over 7 years
i think zovea was stupid enough to think there were more votes on him
over 7 years

denial says

think it was enamored

deletedover 7 years
2017 and Zovea still hasn't matured into an adult.
over 7 years
think it was enamored
over 7 years
Daily bump

20 tokens for the name of the puss that closed the appeal.
over 7 years
I want the name and head of the puss that closed the appeal.
over 7 years
Since charley can mod plus a post, how about answering this: Did I make the most of my death?
over 7 years

Private says

This is gamethrowing. Even though it wasn't blatant like some throws are, it still is.

I don't imagine you guys are too good at math. Even if I had voted no one, the votes left up would have resulted in my lynch. Taking out destructive townies with a ml, including myself and an incompetent cop that allowed the BW to form on me in the first place is EXACTLY playing to win and we would have lost the game for the EXACT same reason.

Gerry says

imagine admitting to GTing then making a complaint thread saying you didn't GT lmfao

Since you were the same halfarse'd moderator as Charley

over 7 years

denial says

so basically mods say its gamethrowing because your intent was to lose the game because it looks like you're frustrated some town decided to still vote the uncced doc


denial says

if you wanna take it a step further and keep talking about "its not gamethrowing because i had no intention to lose the game", then what was your intent by self voting as the uncced doctor

You would think that in 6 million games of mafia played on this site,
someone that see's the uncc'd doc self vote would hesitate to ml them.

Devante says

town was stupid but u gt'd . dont hammer a lynch on yourself (if your vote can force another result) , even as mafia it's pretty simple lol

Jeff says

I think in this case you made it clear with a self hammer that your intention to win was gone. You can argue you didn't go in with intent to lose but you know full well you were no longer playing to win.

I didn't hammer myself. There was over a minute before I voted myself and someone else choose to hammer, but that minute wasn't spent trying to get the vote off the uncc'd doc, which if it had been then I wouldn't have been lynched.

To your second point Jeff, I stated D1 using the ml was the best course forward, hence putting the vote on myself. If any one of the towns voting to ml me were paying attention or being competent I would have flipped the lynch to the stalker for being so blatant, but with the incompetence being shown. The reason we actually lost the game was because of Soda in the last day, and the actions of a townie that voted to hammer me.
over 7 years
imagine admitting to GTing then making a complaint thread saying you didn't GT lmfao
over 7 years
This is gamethrowing. Even though it wasn't blatant like some throws are, it still is.
over 7 years
I think in this case you made it clear with a self hammer that your intention to win was gone. You can argue you didn't go in with intent to lose but you know full well you were no longer playing to win.
over 7 years
town was stupid but u gt'd . dont hammer a lynch on yourself (if your vote can force another result) , even as mafia it's pretty simple lol