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Bob01's The Mole Skype ORG

about 7 years

I've hosted The Mole on EpicMafia twice now, and I figured out that the game is easier to host over a longer time period. So I came up with a plan to make it a skype ORG.

The Mole

In The Mole there will be 12 players. One of those players is the mole. The mole's job is to sabotage the group so the group earns less money. But the mole has to be careful, because the mole is also trying to keep his or her identity a secret. Every week there will be a quiz in which the lowest scorer is eliminated. In the final 3, there will be a final quiz, the person who scores the highest on that quiz is the winner and would get however much "money" is in the group pot.

Bob01's The Mole

It's pretty much the same thing except the mole has a chance to win. What I will do for this season is a poll on if the mole did better than the group, if there are more votes saying that the mole did better than the group then the mole wins. If there are more votes saying that the group did better than the mole, then whoever had the highest score on the final quiz wins.

The Prize for the winner

As of now I do not have the ability to supply a prize for the winner, but donations are accepted and appreciated.


Applications can be submitted anytime from today until the end of July 8th. I will have the cast of 12 players decided by the ninth and there will be a cast reveal on the tenth. The game starts on July 14th. The answers for the last quiz will be due on September 10th. That's 60 days for anyone who can make it that far. Then on September 15th I will do a reunion sort of thing at 8:00 p.m. EST where the highest scorer, the mole, and the winner are revealed. Every Monday from when the game starts until the game ends will be the night when I reveal the results of the quiz that was taken over the weekend. The ceremonies will be at 8:00 p.m. EST. Each ceremony would take about 15-25 minutes. If you are part of the cast it is not required to be there for that but once again it is highly recommended.


For each week there will be two tasks and a quiz. Each task and quiz spans over two days so technically you don't need to be on skype once a day to be able to participate. But it is recommended.


To possibly be a cast member, you must apply. This is the google form for the application. Only 12 players are needed to start the game. So hopefully I'll be able to get enough players.


I know this is about the same time as EMBB All Stars, and forum TAR. I chose this time for my convenience it was just a coincidence that my ORG is at the same time. I only need 12 players anyways. This will be the first ORG that I host. I'm sure I'll be fine, but feel free to give advice before the game starts. If you apply remember, you will be in the game for a maximum of 60 days.

almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Applications are now closed, I had 19 applications which is way more than I expected. Prize donations are always accepted, any good advice will be taken, cast reveal tomorrow at some point hopefully.
almost 7 years
Last day to turn in an application.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Applications are due tomorrow!!!!
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Just about to apply if there's still time. I love the Mole!
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
Good News I have enough applicants to make it work, I would like a few more applicants though.
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
I have signed up, this seems interesting and fun!
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years