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about 7 years

Welcome to the ALL STAR draft

The Cast


"Hey guys, you all know me from EMBB: X, the mystery season of EMBB that took place in between seasons 2 and 3. As the winner of EMBB: X, I know I'm going to have a target on my back from day 1 but plan on staying exactly 11 steps ahead the entire time. I didn't make it through an entire season of seducing, stabbing, and drugging my way to the top just to drop the ball in my grand return to the EMBB stage. I believe very deeply in giving to those in need, so good luck to everyone else."

Who are you rooting for this season?
deletedabout 7 years
now, somehow, nat needs to throw Sonia and Jabzz inexplicably into the thing.

Edit: I have a strong feeling, somehow, that Anxiety's gonna win.
about 7 years
Diary Room Entry 4 -

Salvation tastes much sweeter than Agony Berries. This morning I awoke to the sound of whirling helicopter blades scraping just above the tree line. Large, intimidating machine guns were mounted
on either side of the chopper, and stationed behind them were Cammy and Nattless dressed in battle gear. The pilot began to lower the chopper into a clearing and as he did so his face came fully into view. It was Scott. No, sorry, OtherScott. He waved at me enthusiastically as the chopper lowered and I quickly shot him the bird and threw my remaining supply of Agony Berries at the cockpit as hard as I could. Cammy and Nat, deadly as two Queen Cobras, immediately opened fire on the projectile exploding the barrel and berries in a fine red mist that covered my entire body but left the chopper entirely unscathed. I showed him! The helicopter touched down, finally, in a small clearing. One of the most incredibly good looking men I've ever seen emerged from the co-pilots chair.

"It's time." He said, wisely and ominously, like he had already lived a thousand incredibly sexy years. This could only be Christopher, owner of the house.

I was going to get my chance.

"Are you ready?" He said, sexy even still.

I licked my lips slowly, savoring my last taste of Agony Berry juice, and looked dramatically off into the distance.

"I'm going to berry them."

Christopher and I shared a laugh over my berry pun and then we got in the helicopter. It was time to face my destiny.

Note: This may be my last publically available diary room entry as I have now been officially allowed access into the game.
about 7 years
[3:08:31 PM] Michael: Diary Room Entry 3 - Complete and Utter Despair

Sanity is a concept I'm becoming less and less familiar with as my time on exile passes endlessly. The small amount of food I brought with me has been gone over 2 weeks and I've been forced to start eating these weird looking berries that I found to survive. They make my stomach hurt and I haven't been able to pass anything but pure liquid since my diet of exclusively eating what I've affectionately dubbed "Agony Berries" began. I have sent multiple messages via smoke signal, message-in-a-bottle, and Skype to the hosts of the game and have gotten no indication that a rescue is incoming. However, until someone tells me otherwise, I'm still part of this game. I've been digging around the island furiously searching for an idol but have only found a simple truth: I am not wanted.
about 7 years
[11:31:38 AM] Michael: Diary Room Entry 2 - Rejection
[11:34:34 AM] Michael: My brief window of social interaction could not have gone worse. I had absolutely no interest from any of the other houseguests in terms of forming an alliance. I also tried forming an alliance with an unnamed hosts' pair of Australian ta tas, was sent back to exile immediately in response. A sense of hopelessness has begun to set in as I weigh the likelihood that I will be able to win this game without a single ally or Australian breast at my side. Impossible? Probably. Still, I continue on.
[11:35:02 AM] Michael: One of the other hosts, "Scott", has given me official verification that I'm in the game. "Someday" he says to me, as I wait for my one chance to show the world what I can do.
[11:36:00 AM] Michael: "Someday", indeed, Scott. And on that day, everyone who excluded me and turned down my requests of friendship will feel my wrath.
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
[10:56:56 AM] Michael: Diary Room Entry 1 - Isolation
[10:57:06 AM] Michael: So far, the house is like, really, like, lonely....
[10:57:28 AM] Michael: I knew I'd miss my family and friends but I didn't expect the BB people to isolate me from all the other house guests and boot me from the house on day 1
[10:57:43 AM] Michael: All I have here is a bucket and some soap
[10:58:16 AM] Michael: I have been banging on the door asking for entry back into the house for hours, but my requests have fallen upon deaf ears. Ironically, powerofdeath is not even a host of the game.
[10:58:54 AM] Michael: I'm going to have to overcome a cripplingly weak social game with an absolutely excellent physical game if I'm going to stand a chance at all. Losing the anagram challenge day 1 was another kick to the "goodies". Still, I plan to perservere.
deletedabout 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
Whew. For a moment I thought you guys forgot me, thanks Nat! Now I just need to be added into the chat. Let's do this thing!