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ally's ama ♥

deletedalmost 7 years

i absolutely love talking about myself so i'm glad this is a thing now

deletedalmost 7 years

verumbark says

question: when will you return to us

one day
almost 7 years
question: when will you return to us
almost 7 years

eatemuptigs says

mood says

AnthonyEats says

If you had to give up watching big brother/survivor OR saying "mood" what would u pick.

i would never get rid of mood


big mood
deletedalmost 7 years

mood says

AnthonyEats says

If you had to give up watching big brother/survivor OR saying "mood" what would u pick.

i would never get rid of mood

deletedalmost 7 years

AnthonyEats says

If you had to give up watching big brother/survivor OR saying "mood" what would u pick.

i would never get rid of mood
deletedalmost 7 years
If you had to give up watching big brother/survivor OR saying "mood" what would u pick.
deletedalmost 7 years

Anxiety says

Why do you think the hosts bullied me out of all stars?

they thought it would be unfair for the rest of us if you got to play b/c you would obviously win
deletedalmost 7 years

SirPerior says

Do you wish it was milk instead?

I don't regret necro-ing this post, you still haven't found me love.

you lack self awareness
deletedalmost 7 years
Why do you think the hosts bullied me out of all stars?
almost 7 years
Do you wish it was milk instead?

I don't regret necro-ing this post, you still haven't found me love.
deletedalmost 7 years

JohnBatman says

are u a nudist?

tf kind of question is this
deletedalmost 7 years

tricksterer says

ily ally

ily2 gf ♥
deletedalmost 7 years

Anxiety says

whats ur favorite flavor of gum

i like original/bubblegum flavored, also any kind of mint but particularly spearmint
almost 7 years
are u a nudist?
almost 7 years
ily ally
deletedalmost 7 years
whats ur favorite flavor of gum
deletedalmost 7 years

deandean says

Not a question I'm a solid 6.

8.5 with the eyes
deletedalmost 7 years

karthikbk says

Why don't you do your opinion + song thread first?

i did my opinion thread i'm pretty sure i got caught up on it unless new ppl posted

my song thread takes a lot more effort than answering questions about myself
deletedalmost 7 years
Not a question I'm a solid 6.
almost 7 years
Why don't you do your opinion + song thread first?
deletedalmost 7 years

ahrre says

What was your most awkward experience?

uhh i'm an awkward person so every experience is awkward for me i can't really think of one specific one ;; i'll come back to this if i come up with one
deletedalmost 7 years

ImDory says

What is your favourite show and game

my favourite show is Big Brother

i don't really have a fave game i guess
deletedalmost 7 years

bushidoboxer says

If you were stuck on an island and you could bring only 3 things what would you bring? feminine hygiene products are exempt

blanket, pillow, a deck of cards
deletedalmost 7 years

PotatoPlayer says

whos your fav user

i have lots but i'll name dariukas47 ♥
deletedalmost 7 years

Voice says

have you sent nudes to anyone on EM

lmao yes