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Public Apology

about 7 years

Kapuchino was right and I am an awful user who contributes nothing to the community

deletedabout 7 years
The only thing funny about this thread is that Jimbei created it with the intention of it being a joke.
about 7 years

Negra says

whens plissken gonna appleoligize for being a trash user

apples dont just grow on trees
about 7 years
when is TAFKAP going to give the tokens he owes
about 7 years
When are you going to apologize for not calling me TAFKAP?

I am NOT this 'Plissken' you token obsessed cretins.
And no TAFKAP does not stand for Tokens Are For Knowledge And Power.

You will address me as The Artist Formerly Known As Plissken.
about 7 years
whens plissken gonna appleoligize for being a trash user
about 7 years
you ruined my topic
about 7 years
You can be forgiven.
You can be redeemed!

Just join The Holy Church of Jamal.
Take it from me, a Jamal's Witness.

For HE is...

deletedabout 7 years
Things have escalated here and so has the escalators haha...
about 7 years
Jimbei really sucks the life out of a conversation.
about 7 years
what happened now
about 7 years
For wronging vilden?
about 7 years
i would like to publicly apologize too
about 7 years
Because i am THE top
about 7 years
Negra we all know you're not a top
about 7 years

kumi says

is there a single epicmafia user jimbei hasn't tried to stab in the back

i don't let the gays anywhere near my back
about 7 years
whoa what drama did i miss
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

Herredy says

I'm imagining jimbei hugging cub and then bringing out the knife and stabbing cub in the back from the front in a frenzy damn woah

this isnt how you what you want people to think in situations where youre involved

Alyssa says

Herredy is on a bloodlust oh jeez. Did he taste human blood recently?

I...can feel blood trickling down my back...


t-that's the wrong imagination

I'm actually imagining cub and jimbei warmly hugging each other haha...
deletedabout 7 years
is there a single epicmafia user jimbei hasn't tried to stab in the back
deletedabout 7 years
no you probably stabbed him in the back like u did to other people
about 7 years
Herredy is on a bloodlust oh jeez. Did he taste human blood recently?
about 7 years

Herredy says

I'm imagining jimbei hugging cub and then bringing out the knife and stabbing cub in the back from the front in a frenzy damn woah

this isnt how you what you want people to think in situations where youre involved
about 7 years

Christopherzilla says

you don't have to contribute anything to this community and you're not awful at all considering the hive of scum and villainy that is sandbox

apologize for this dumb apology

deletedabout 7 years
I'm imagining jimbei hugging cub and then bringing out the knife and stabbing cub in the back from the front in a frenzy damn woah
deletedabout 7 years
i don't accept
about 7 years
I'll strike when you least expect it