The problem is conor is primarily a counter puncher. He lands his best shots when his opponent is coming forward and attacking.
Floyd is not gonna chase conor around opening up the counter left.
Conor gonna have to fight a completely different style than he ever has before and try to land a punch on the greatest defensive boxer to ever live.
I'd like to see him try and clinch with mayweather and land some shots by dirty boxing. Clinching could possibly be one of the only MMA techniques Mcgregor could "legitimately" use in this fight.
This is the equivalent of putting an excellent ping-pong player against Andy Murray in a tennis match in Wimbledon. McGregor will lose to a late round ko only because Mayweather will want to put on a good show
I doubt it. It'll probably be Mcgreggor trying to play aggressive the whole time and not landing anything. Then Mayweather just picks his shots without ever exerting too much energy.