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Survivor Lobby Olympics: Round 1

about 7 years

is now complete.

Here are the results:

about 7 years
yuujin from South Africa has completed her Triathlon! Good luck to her!
about 7 years
omg sweeeet. roughly how long will it take?
deletedabout 7 years
if anyone else drops out i'll be a reserve
about 7 years
Markus has dropped out and given his spot to Toge. Good luck!
about 7 years
Dariukas47 and Nicol have completed the Triathlon Event! 46 more to go.
about 7 years
Someone drop out so i can join in
about 7 years
wtf im vsing my whole timezone now
about 7 years
Change of plans!!
about 7 years
R0ronoaZoro drops out, hterefore someone can replace him if they so desire.
about 7 years
wtf im vsing hedger this isn't fair...