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emotes to go #2

about 7 years

the emote with the most votes will be replaced next cycle

vote which emote you're least likely to use
about 7 years
remove thinking and we overthrow owner
about 7 years
sure ill give you the dikdik ;)
about 7 years
ok its been a week can someone give me the dikdik emote so we can vote it out properly and move on im still keeping pms (from the same guy) about this
about 7 years
I also like panda
about 7 years
i also like panda but we're the minority
about 7 years
ok but you can also post thinking in normal emoji form

and panda is rly cute n i like cute things. #cuteemotesforsandbox

just look at it it's so happy n it even has a nice lil flower on its head
about 7 years

nepenthe says

panda is a super cute emote pls stop hating it @everyone :(

yeah but I don't want thinking to leave more

nothing else has enough votes
about 7 years
panda is a super cute emote pls stop hating it @everyone :(
about 7 years

LuapNor says


about 7 years
about 7 years
both the emote limit and the poll limit are 10 ok i cant help it they're just begging to be matched
about 7 years
hey cub, if you are going to rotate fufu everytime should it stay as an option on these polls?
about 7 years
how can we use thinking, if we're never thinking
about 7 years
Why is thinking the second highest? It's a good emote.
about 7 years
its not towards you its towards the people who want to keep things the same i didnt even know about you until recently so i have absolutely nothing on you like at all youre clean stay safe
about 7 years
Fair enough. I wasn't suggesting to keep everything the same, I think the change is good. I just think people will get bored if we make frequent changes, but I missed your other comment.

And no need for the obvious shade towards me, I don't have anything against you as owner and I'm sorry if you had something against me being a lobby mod.
about 7 years

dooze says

and then do like a monthly, semi-monthly poll about if anyone dislikes any of the current emotes, not including the constantly changing :rotate:

:fufu: is the new rotated emote because it just makes logical sense, :rotate: existed to avoid changing other emotes

also that's what this is

cub says

but i wont be changing for a while that's enough for now this is just for reference next time

what, were you thinking of making a poll the same day? that doesn't give everyone equal time to vote
about 7 years

dooze says

I think you should find the lobby's least favorite emote and just do a regular :rotate: again...

a regular :boringandrepetitive:

I see more people using emotes lately than when they were all just the same stale no-real-use-or-purpose-but-keep-it-anyway-because-memes

i never used :lick: or :dikdik:
i only saw about two people use either of them
there's a limit to how many emotes we can have and i don't want all of them catering to a tiny minority, sandbox is for everyone

that's why there won't be any lobby mods creating an insular authority class that looks out for their friends, setups are actually going to start rotating for once, the banner image will be made by a different person every month, and emotes are going to change based on polls that everyone gets to vote on and not a few boring people who don't like change or fun

that's also why im leaving the personal forum alone even though its whole existence is self-serving in every sense of the term: because it's active enough to suggest more than three people use it regularly

instead of suggesting we keep everything the same, think of ways things can be improved
about 7 years
I think you should find the lobby's least favorite emote and just do a regular :rotate: again, and then do like a monthly, semi-monthly poll about if anyone dislikes any of the current emotes, not including the constantly changing :rotate:
about 7 years
change gay back to what it was =(
about 7 years

Negra says

Only ones I can see being used are rope, oko, thinking, fufu, dance, quiggle, gay, and possibly bun.

I think a better way to do this is to vote for favorite emotes and remove the ones with the least so each single voter has more of an impact

right i just remembered why i do it this way instead: if you told people to pick favorites, they'd all pick the meme of the moment

i realized this when everybody just noticed dikdik was gone like days after the fact; they don't care that it's gone, they never even use it, they just have this meme where you must keep it because idk reasons
deletedabout 7 years


:cmonbruh: or :bruh:
about 7 years
Negra just said something smart for the first time.
about 7 years
i had some reason for doing it this way but i forgot what it was
about 7 years
Only ones I can see being used are rope, oko, thinking, fufu, dance, quiggle, gay, and possibly bun.

I think a better way to do this is to vote for favorite emotes and remove the ones with the least so each single voter has more of an impact