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shy thread (must be scared of life)

over 7 years

welcome to the shy thread for shy people who are scared of everything, really insecure, overall feels bad man

here we'll hug it out. just kidding that's too close for comfort haha...

I go to the market at 2 am
6 signed
there's still a few people there, usually staff, and i pull on my hoodie and sneak around so nobody sees me. hopefully they don't think im a thief, that would be embarassing
over 7 years
my social anxiety has held me back from commenting but h-h-hi
over 7 years
over 7 years
not shy enough
over 7 years
they were shy showing their emo side before that post
over 7 years
the title is shy thread not emo thread
over 7 years
Yes... Stay shy. Hide your feelings and fears inside you. Stay scared of people's judgment. It will all be turned into more and more despair. That despair will grow more and more until it devours the entire world.
over 7 years
can i ppost
over 7 years
let's construct a panic defense
over 7 years

Ben says

where does being shy stop and social anxiety start

social anxiety ya get panic attacks and all that shiz
shy is just reserved
over 7 years
if the universe always existed, how is that possible?
over 7 years
where does being shy stop and social anxiety start
over 7 years

Negra says

cubs plan for this thread is to list all the shy people in players and make them self delete becuase htey dont want to be noticed lol!

i just added players because the other threads did and i wanted to be like the other kids
over 7 years
i really really dont like people touching me
over 7 years
why dont YOU message ME you're the one who isnt shy why are you putting all this pressure on me gosh i need my inhaler
over 7 years
cubs plan for this thread is to list all the shy people in players and make them self delete becuase htey dont want to be noticed lol!
over 7 years
i want to ask cub to prom but im too shy
over 7 years
you can always message me with anything cub don't be shy just fyi
over 7 years
i legit get uncomfortable in crowds
over 7 years
your post is alright too i guess
over 7 years
over 7 years
thanks for posting here when no one else will negra

it helps to have a friend
over 7 years
if i acted the same way i do on epicmafia i'd be bullied into suicide
over 7 years
over 7 years
suicide then people make a hashtag on twitter where they pretend they liked me and say positive things but really they just miss my fat juicy 15 inch peni
over 7 years
i dont understand that post negra