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BB Societies: Saints and Sinners

about 7 years

The black universe and the white universe met its end through a collision. Mankind from each world developed an unending hatred for the other. Although different, they shared a common objective, to kill and regain normalcy. Little did they know, they soon were unable to recognize their own kin.

After refusing to distinguish black from white and white from black, they branded themselves with labels.

‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍The immaculate and pristine ones are known as the Saints.

‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍And the cunning and wily ones are known as the Sinners.

‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

The saints are the ones that want to stop the killing. They don’t lie nor do they steal. And the sinners are the ones that endorse the killing. They lie and they destroy.

‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ Which one are you?


Due to the overwhelming positive feedback for our previous game, BB: Black and White, the hosts and I have been brainstorming for our next Society game, which resulted into this. Like the previous season, this is a Big Brother game that will be full of twists and you have a choice of which society you want to join.

To join, all you need to do is reserve (mandatory) in the comments and state which society you would like to participate under. If for some reason you can't comment in the thread, then you may PM me, Jun or calem to reserve your spot in the game. The society you choose will greatly impact the gameplay. We're currently planning for 32 players.

Host Team: Jun, calem, cinnanie

Game Date: Saturday, June 24th at 7:30PM EST


As an incentive to play and win our special BB Societies games, players of the season will get their own trading card based on their impressive gameplay and moves, as well as the theme of the season. Here’s the card pack for our Black and White season:

Link to the album to see their placements and explanation of their gameplay and moves:

See you all in the game!

about 7 years
I'm unfortunately gonna have to unreserve due to work obligations.
about 7 years
2. flippo135
3. yuujin
4. LHarney
5. Lukie
6. PotatoPlayer
7. Accost
8. Chanman123
9. JohnBatman
10. KatyaWasRobbed
11. itxLuca
12. karthikbk
13. cjn104
14. kofitheblack
15. HalseyMartinez
16. sigrun

1. snip
2. Ally
3. jbomber732
4. benfox2
5. FireDragonPrince
6. HardCarry
7. Voice
8. matt
9. xSoniaNeverMindx
10. bryce1997
11. hedger
12. 4Random2
13. HighSpace
14. Nicol
15. ItsRob
16. Hyperro

Sports123492 (Undecided)
arisuu (Sinners)
YanmegaMan (Undecided)
hotjacket (Undecided)
copperstar82 (Sinners)
about 7 years
copperstar82 reserves for Sinners and will be added into the wait list.
about 7 years
Looks like the saints are in need of a hero because we're dropping quicker than a beat at the club
deletedabout 7 years
Unreserve, I work until 8pm that night :(
about 7 years
Waitlist: saints x
about 7 years
to be honest I fit in both.
about 7 years
Wait list:Saints
about 7 years
unreserving due to work
about 7 years
let me get into one of those free slots in saints :P
about 7 years
I mean reserve in the saints
about 7 years
Can I reserve
in the saints.
about 7 years
1. eatemuptigs
2. Ginga
4. LHarney
5. Lukie
6. PotatoPlayer
8. Chanman123
9. JohnBatman
10. KatyaWasRobbed
11. itxLuca
12. karthikbk
13. cjn104
14. kofitheblack
15. HalseyMartinez
16. sigrun

1. snip
2. Ally
3. jbomber732
4. benfox2
5. FireDragonPrince
6. HardCarry
7. Voice
8. matt
9. xSoniaNeverMindx
10. bryce1997
11. hedger
12. 4Random2
13. HighSpace
14. Nicol
15. ItsRob
16. Hyperro

Sports123492 (Undecided)
arisuu (Sinners)
YanmegaMan (Undecided)
hotjacket (Undecided)
about 7 years


about 7 years
omg .. i wanna play!
about 7 years
I'll be on the waitlist too thx
about 7 years
1. eatemuptigs
2. Ginga
3. arisuu
4. LHarney
5. Lukie
6. PotatoPlayer
7. Samburu
8. Chanman123
9. JohnBatman
10. KatyaWasRobbed
11. itxLuca
12. karthikbk
13. cjn104
14. kofitheblack
15. HalseyMartinez
16. sigrun

1. snip
2. Ally
3. jbomber732
4. benfox2
5. FireDragonPrince
6. HardCarry
7. Voice
8. matt
9. xSoniaNeverMindx
10. bryce1997
11. hedger
12. 4Random2
13. HighSpace
14. Nicol
15. ItsRob
16. Hyperro

Sports123492 (U)
about 7 years
I'd like to be #1 on waiting list pls :)?
about 7 years
lists full! hooray
about 7 years
reserving for saints for sigrun
deletedabout 7 years
saints thx
about 7 years
Just like the first game, the Society you choose has a HUGE impact on the gameplay. Please choose carefully. Read carefully.

Questions to ask yourself: Are you really a saint? Are you really a sinner?
about 7 years
switch back to sinner \o/
about 7 years
switch to saint
about 7 years
1. eatemuptigs
2. Ginga
3. arisuu
4. LHarney
5. Lukie
6. PotatoPlayer
7. Samburu
8. Chanman123
9. JohnBatman
10. KatyaWasRobbed
11. itxLuca
12. karthikbk
13. cjn104
14. kofitheblack

1. snip
2. Ally
3. jbomber732
4. benfox2
5. FireDragonPrince
6. HardCarry
7. Voice
8. matt
9. xSoniaNeverMindx
10. bryce1997
11. hedger
12. 4Random2
13. HighSpace
14. Nicol
15. ItsRob
16. Hyperro

The list for sinners is full now. Anyone else who wishes to switch to or reserves to Sinners will be put into the waiting list from now on.