honestly, I have no religion, and that's fine with me. I just feel like somebody said to another person, "I know how to make tons of people waste like 4 hours of their lives every week." ppl call me atheist, when I simply lack belief. I do not celebrate religion because there is no purpose in devoting all our actions to a god that may or may not exist. said god, if real would not be all powerful, as there is still evil in this world. but the definition of evil is completely unspecified, so anything can be considered evil. if I have an afterlife, I shall feel free to do whatever I want there. it is not like I am an immoral person just because I do not worship a god, I just don't care if we have a god, because I am living for a reason. if I was a god, I wouldn't want to have everyone thanking me over and over again, so I would not want to sit down and beg for mercy from another possible god. I spend my life thinking about living life, not because I am selfish or immoral, but because I am trying to live life. what the hell is the point in wasting 1/5 of your weekend going to church, and hearing about the same things every week. GUISER OUT. now you got insight from a 14 year old.
Hinduismplay noun Hin·du·ism \ˈhin-(ˌ)dü-ˌi-zəm\ Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
Definition of Hinduism : the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation and ascetic practices
Implying everything on the Internet is true. That is the definition assumed by people who are not from India.
I was raised Christian but I haven't gone to church in years.
You can always come home. It is never too late to come back. No matter why you left tor what happened in-between, you will always be welcomed back with open arms.
Hinduismplay noun Hin·du·ism \ˈhin-(ˌ)dü-ˌi-zəm\ Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
Definition of Hinduism : the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation and ascetic practices
Implying everything on the Internet is true. That is the definition assumed by people who are not from India.