about 7 years

Hello, welcome to the explanation of the title.

I am a fairly new user to EM, so people still don't know much about me. Here's a fun fact, family is very important to me. Summer is a time where I can be with my family. Because of this, after Bob01's The Mole has been hosted on June 3rd at 8:00 p.m. EST, I will be taking a break from EM for the rest of June, and half of July. I won't be back until late July, or early August. So you will not see me again until that time. I'm sure you are all aware how much of a time taker EM can be. So have fun during that period and know I'll be back late July/ early August.

deletedabout 7 years
nostalgia tbh

have a good time with family, Bob!
about 7 years
Enjoy the time with your family, its important indeed
deletedabout 7 years
have a nice summer bob, enjoy the time with your family :-)