sept 29 2334, edited united states constituion, document made at 11:34AM, I. the united states has officially announced that all memes and the Meme Insurance company will be disbanded and will no longer support the use of free memes and the freedom of meme. Any memes that are still in households will expire in 2 years, we ask these landowners to return there expired memes or else the United States will not hesitate to use force in order to take away these expired memes. All memes, including troll face, feels guy, and memes made from TV shows are officially taken away from the program. Any memes that are sold outside of united states Meme Stores are illegal and the sentence to buying and or selling is the capital punishment. II. all united states households are required to serve and or consume spaghetti in there households twice a week. Weekly tests will be given in all areas to test spaghetti consumption. Failure to pass the minimum level of spaghetti consumtion and failure to come in for weekly tests will be punishable by a lifelong sentence in jail or the capital punishment. III. a full body cardboard cutout or body pillow of shinji icarly is REQUIRED in all households, failure to abide by this rule will result in lifelong deathless torture. IV. partaking in homosexual relations and or sexual activities is highly praised, succesion in becoming full homosexuality will grant you a life ticket to the Spaghetti world. V. all guns in the united states shall and will be replaced my marshmellow guns, failure to do so will result in the capital punishment. shooting with a illegal gun will result in lifelong deathless torture. VI. canada doesn't exist, believing in canada, its people, or thinking of canada will result in the capital punishment. Any trace of seeing canada shall be wiped from memory. canada doesn't exist.