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Return to Total Drama Island!

about 7 years

Bored out of your mind from the season finale of your favorite television show? Wanting to go to an island for a chance at a million dollar prize? Or even a house to win half of that? Well if that's what you're looking for, look no further and drop your expectations because you're returning to your favorite home of the summer- Camp Wawanakwa!

While our budget hasn't increased, our ratings sure have which means we're upping the cash prize from 100,000 smokeroos $250,000!!

You'll be joining other young teenagers and adults with no lives to take part in a competition! Competing in two teams, you'll be forced to endure countless challenges that will not only test you mentally and physically, but also your will to be famous! The team who loses the challenge will vote someone off who will take a nice walk on the Dock of Shame and board the Boat of Losers, never to be seen again. Everrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Stuff in the Contract
Marshmallow Elimination: Losing team will go to campfire where each member must place an x over who they want out aka vote out. Then, I- wonderful host Chris McClain- will give everyone marshmallows excluding the person with the most votes who will then have to walk the...

Dock of Shame: Where the person voted out must walk and be watched by everyone before boarding the....

Boat of Losers: Where the person voted out will be taken from the island to never never never ever ever ever come back ever

Premiere Date: Saturday, June 17th at 8:00pm EST

Signups: Since this has become a staple, I'm going to be allowing themed alts for this. What this means is that you will have to create a new account with a name of any TDI contestant from the series.

Example: If someone wanted Owen, then they would create an alt by the name of OwenRTDI (RTDI= Return To Total Drama Island), then pm me on that alt. Once you've done that, then you are an official player of the game and I will announce your player on this thread!

P.S. This game will be dramatically dramatic and themed so just try to have fun with it and not get as stressed over it! You have been warned!

P.S. Sequel: It is HIGHLY recommended that you log onto your alt at least 12 hours prior to the game to not get locked out or have any problems logging onto it by the time the game starts!

Any questions or concerns can be addressed below! This will probably take roughly the same length of a Survivor, but only join if you are POSITIVE you can commit!

Cast Size: Shooting for roughly 24 spots and then start reserves, but things may change between now and the game's beginning!

Tokens: There will be 20 tokens up for grabs in this game! I won't reveal how they can be attained- or how they cannot- until after a certain point!

The Campers

  1. Courtney
  2. Harold
  3. Owen
  4. Heather
  5. Scott
  6. Eva
  7. Justin
  8. Jasmine
  9. Cody
  10. Alejandro
  11. Duncan
  12. Brick
  13. Tyler
  14. B
  15. Ezekiel
  16. Geoff
  17. Trent
  18. Bridgette
Are you ready for the return?
Sign me the check already
I'm already famous, bye!
Return to...?
I'd leggo my eggo to return!
about 7 years
reserving Alejandro, mexican pretty boy is superior
about 7 years

about 7 years
i'm reserving Gwen. tnx