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Bryce's Opinions

over 7 years

I'm super tired but scared from reading celebrity conspiracy theories so I thought I could try giving opinions!!

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What's your fave conspiracy theory?
Katy Perry is relevant
Avril Lavigne was replaced with a clone
Dan Schneider has a foot fetish
Avril Lavigne is a lizard
Beyonce is Solange's mother
Amanda Bynes is controlled by the Illuminati
Katy Perry is JonBenét Ramsey
over 7 years

Ginga says


Ginga!! I first met you in EMVV and you were always such a funny host. I feel really lucky to have gotten to meet you because you seem like a really nice person and a great theater star! Best of luck in emvv2 pls slay!!
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

JohnBatman says


Luca!! I think you're one of the best players on the lobby! You are always a good ally to me and even if we are against each other at some point, we tend to work together in the end game.
I think you are a very kind person and are really easy going. You try your hardest at stuff but you seem to take things in stride and its a really admirable trait!! Also your eyebrows are awesome and good luck in Chichen Itza!!
over 7 years
over 7 years

eatemuptigs says


Anthony you're one of my closest friends in the lobby. You're so caring and considerate I always know that if I need help with something you would be of assistance. You're love of dogs is amazing and your sense of humor and memes always cracks me up. Your picture with the trophies had me dying.
I think you're amazing host and I always enjoy the games I play that you make no matter the gamemode. And as a player you are extraordinary!! You always perform well and are a great ally to me. We are often seen as a f2 even tho we rarely do adsjlkf but you're always a super close ally! In conclusion you rock my socks off and you're the best!!
over 7 years

deandean says


Hi dean!! We don't talk a lot 1 on 1 but whenever you tell a joke I usually find it funny. I think you're really sweet and kind to your friends and that you're super loyal. In games I think I might have only played 1 or 2 with you and one was an anonvivor where someone just had the role of deandean asdkjfl. Youre an excellent player and everyone on emvv 2 better watch out and have fun getting 2nd through whatever amount of people are in the cast.
over 7 years
womanizer babbyyy
over 7 years
Avril is bae material
deletedover 7 years
omg me please!!
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over 7 years
over 7 years
noo I'm so late
over 7 years
skip 3 me
over 7 years
Skip 2 me
over 7 years
skip 2 moi
over 7 years
over 7 years
Sup bro
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
skip everyone and do me first
over 7 years
Why not
over 7 years
Yes please
over 7 years
Ok do me !
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
i'm in
over 7 years
ok bryce