Many plants evolve around immunity, but, many humans don't realized that they have co evolved with plants. Humans can't use certain plants and get rid of them. This is how humans have evolved plants through farming in order for themselves to gain from this. Humans however have made many mistakes recently, ignoring the natural abilities plants have to fix our problems so a few food and drug administration mafia people can make lots of money. This is very simple. If you're a bee and produce honey, the honey has to be resistant to certain types of bacteria. Why? Because the entire hive of bees which put their feet and vomit everywhere have to be able to each the honey. Think about this. This means that obviously honey can give a resistance to bacteria. Who would of thought? If a plant or anything requires something to have survived, go figure, it will have it, and go figure, we can easily copy what this animal or plant is doing for ourselves. Why don't we? If I was completely honest, many people would be offended, but, not everybody, so to put this simply, when you were raised in what you call "civil society", you had to accept the miserable life you were given. While coming to terms with this, you had to create a tape and bubble gum version of acceptance known as denial, in order to create a shell around yourself that allowed you to accept being a part of this horrible life. Some of these shells of denial make you stupid of even the things you are forced to memorize, making you not understand what you learned, but, instead, merely holding it inside of you and being unable to recall the process memorized at the time needed.
So, the first wave of humans that will be destroyed will be the humans that not only have shells around them, but, don't use plants the way they should be used, in order to gain from them. If something helps you, you should force it to reproduce many times over. This keeps you alive and it keeps what helps you alive. If something doesn't, you kill it. This gives you what you want. Many humans try to get what they want without realizing they can't do so in the manner they try, thus, failing while also getting a lot of what they don't want. If you are a human that uses a medical doctor, doesn't practice supplying yourself with food, or generally doesn't practice allowing the survival of something that helps you get what you want through your own ignorance, you will luckily die in the next 14 years when the rest of the world is starving to death.
Thank you for listening.