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The Current State of Sandbox 2

deletedabout 7 years

This is where I can't be muted

  1. Bebop is cool and if you don't like him that makes you un-cool

  2. If you don't like it, just close your eyes Sandbox isn't real

  3. Sandbox was originally founded with the purpose of having a place that's basically free from rules minus OPI and game breaking, if you want to dilute its original intention to be your safe space to have essentially unranked main then you are wrong and destroying the spirit of Sandbox

about 7 years
I really can't explain my 4-hour hard erection. 4 hours and still counting!
deletedabout 7 years

Sansruse says

CoryInConstantinople says

i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.

CoryInConstantinople says

point is, if u want something to escape from ur bad sh.itty life, how about u fix ur bad sh.itty life instead

its hard to fix ur bad sh.itty life when you have someone who is tormenting you everywhere

"sorry, i can't fix my current life situation because someone named coryinconstantinople on epicmafia keeps telling me i'm not actually a woman and keeps saying mean words about refugees"
about 7 years

Sansruse says

CoryInConstantinople says

i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.

CoryInConstantinople says

point is, if u want something to escape from ur bad sh.itty life, how about u fix ur bad sh.itty life instead

its hard to fix ur bad sh.itty life when you have someone who is tormenting you everywhere

epicmafia is everywhere now
about 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.

CoryInConstantinople says

point is, if u want something to escape from ur bad sh.itty life, how about u fix ur bad sh.itty life instead

its hard to fix ur bad sh.itty life when you have someone who is tormenting you everywhere
deletedabout 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

BiIlyHerrington says

CoryInConstantinople says

that's just it--you can never have a break from real life, because it is still real life

also putting that aside for a sec, just because you can do that doesn't mean other people can...
certain things affect some people even tho you might feel like it's easy to just close your eyes

like ppl are different what's hard to understand about that
deletedabout 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says

about 7 years
about 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

lzayaOrihara says

CoryInConstantinople says

i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.

that's not how that works what the fck

thats exactly how it works

first off what the hell kind of person are you to wish torment onto people who have done nothing equally awful?? is this your power fantasy or some shǐt? guess what ! bullying is HARMFUL and has always been to people's mental and emotional health, especially if they're already a sensitive person ! what kind of twisted reasoning are you using that you'd call that a favor?? yes those people should distance themselves from bad influences, but you have zero reason to be an awful person in the first place. please get help
deletedabout 7 years
*also kelly and togepi were og trolls
deletedabout 7 years
im shi.tting myself at that gif though
deletedabout 7 years

GrigioGirl says

CoryInConstantinople says

LOL actually the original sandbox DID have me, snowday, biggity, bigpikachu, crypto. (Togepi/Kelly???)

you and togepi are too esoteric now.......

i love u
about 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

LOL actually the original sandbox DID have me, snowday, biggity, bigpikachu, crypto. (Togepi/Kelly???)

deletedabout 7 years

lzayaOrihara says

CoryInConstantinople says

i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.

that's not how that works what the fck

thats exactly how it works
deletedabout 7 years
point is, if u want something to escape from ur bad sh.itty life, how about u fix ur bad sh.itty life instead
deletedabout 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

that's just it--you can never have a break from real life, because it is still real life

umm arent u contradicting urself
"If you don't like it, just close your eyes Sandbox isn't real"

how is it not real when you say it's still real life... u cant close ur eyes to real life
about 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.

that's not how that works what the fck
deletedabout 7 years
that's just it--you can never have a break from real life, because it is still real life
deletedabout 7 years
>.> idk like i think you should just be happy with your life like you have a nice bf and a nice life but u should realize that a lot of people on here don't have nice lives and they like epicmafia bc they want to relax and just have a break from real life

but also in addition to profile pets it needs more like events where u can earn tokens that aren't player organized but actually organized by lucid/admins
deletedabout 7 years
i'm only mean to people that actually really deserve it--adults that can't handle words on the internet deserved to be bullied and tormented everywhere in their life until they're strong enough to defend themselves--i'm doing them a favor.
deletedabout 7 years
but yes we need to advocate for profile pets im 100% serious it could be implemented in such a good way

epicmafia has the potential to be the new neopets when neopets was in its glory days
deletedabout 7 years
omg but that's what i mean ur so unnecessarily mean just leave them alone they won't get in your way if you don't jump out in front of them

and yes omg i agree 100% error killed sandbox
deletedabout 7 years
this site was at its peak in 2009-2010
deletedabout 7 years
more people like me than actually hate me

really the only people that dislike me are the sensitive trans report junkies that think it's their personal duty to report anyone who breaks the "rules"

i'd say maybe 10-15 people max dislike me and the rest are either neutral or like me

the report junkies that are fking weird and roleplay and post furries and think they're women but actually have dongs are really what kills the userbase tbh
about 7 years
no the spirit of sandbox died with error
deletedabout 7 years
no the site died a bit before that because people grew out and got bored of epicmafia and they didn't really care much about the community anymore and just kept in touch with people they liked through other chat methods

i mean at the end of the day the only thing that keeps any community driven website/game alive is the community and honestly no offence but you and ur lackeys put people off and everyone's mean to new players and no one cares about them and just kill them n1 and keep their friends alive like this was inevitable no matter what

the only thing that can save sandbox/epicmafia now is something major like profile pets