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ally's onions

deletedover 7 years

post here for a nice juicy onion

if i don't know you very well it will probably not be a very good opinion actually none of them will be very good opinions because i'm bad at words but yours will be worse

deletedover 7 years

Chanman123 says


hi mitch ♥

you are a super rad dude and i really enjoy playing with you!!! you're always a good ally and i always have a super fun time when we're in the same game :-) never forget that tab mistake someone made once that got you voted out....... i'm sorry you got evicted from embb, it was a pleasure watching you play!!

i think you're a super sweet guy, you're a really kind friend, and i'm glad that i know you mitch!! :-)
deletedover 7 years

Markus says

I like onions

hi will!!

i think u are probably one of my Faves on the site, you're super fun and i enjoy talking to you :-) you're super fun to joke around with and you took the punishment i made you do in embb very well even if you gave me a rly hard time about it....... i'm sorry you got voted off so early, but i'm rly glad you're sticking around the lobby cos i feel like you'll be a pretty good player in time!!!

i enjoy playing twls with you and snapping you and you're also one of the few people that has my Real facebook account........ that means ur Special.... you're a super cool person will :-) i'm glad we're friends!!!!
deletedover 7 years

Nicol says

it me

hi nicol!!!

i wish you didn't leave so early in embb cos you were super fun to talk to and i wanted to work with you more!! i feel like i didn't rly get to know you very well and that's a shame because you're super sweet and funny and i've got no negative thoughts towards you. ♥♥
deletedover 7 years

Bob01 says


hi bob!!

i've played quite a few games with you but honestly i've never spoken to you outside of them. you seem rly kind tho and i don't have any negative thoughts towards you as a person!! :-)
deletedover 7 years

powerofdeath says


hi pod!!

i don't rly know you all that well!! from what i've seen you're pretty fun, i also watched u host the all stars game n spectated it and you're a v good host :-) you're a cool person n i hope i can get to know you better!!
deletedover 7 years

ImDory says


hi tan ♥♥♥

u are probably one of the most genuinely sweet ppl i've met on this site!! u went out of your way to PM me and get to know me n stuff and i really appreciate your kindness :-)

playing with you in games is uber fun, the couple times we've played together have been great even if it didn't end so well!! you're a super swell person and i'm glad to be your friend !!!
deletedover 7 years

HardCarry says


hi rob!!

honestly i feel like i don't know you that well at all SDGJDH i don't think we've ever talked one on one before

from what i've seen of you tho i rly like you!! you thought that this opinion was going to be similar to luca's but it's Not bc i don't rly see you as being arrogant to the point of you shtting on others @ all, you're definitely confident (maybe overconfident sometimes) (a lot of times) but i've never seen you actually put someone down before unless you're just joking to your friends. you're clearly good @ orgs and EM games and u have a right to feel good about that. idk if the ~hardcarry hasn't trophied~ meme actually gets to you or not but it shouldn't bc you're definitely a better player than several people that have trophied sooooo you should be happy regardless!!!

you're incredibly supportive and you've been super kind to the new players, i'm pretty sure u've gotten hate before for your modding but everything i've seen of you has been awesome :-) you're good at what you do rob !! be proud of that !!
deletedover 7 years

LineLiar says

hiii ally :)

hi line!!!

you let me be in morning crew AND play in morning all stars despite me never playing a morning game before so thx you're the real mvp........ ♥

you've been nothing but kind to me since i met you, you're super super funny and a really good presence, honestly i can't rly think of anything negative to say about you bc i think that you're all around swell and i want to get to know you better :')

also morning all stars was one of the best hosted games i've ever played !!! you're really good at it : D keep on keeping on line you're awesome
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
by tonight i meant Tonight
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years

Ally says

i actually started doing them but then EM went down and i gave up and now i'm busy................ i'll do some tonight..............

deletedover 7 years
I dont know if I should be excited or scared LOL

Jk <3
deletedover 7 years
i actually started doing them but then EM went down and i gave up and now i'm busy................ i'll do some tonight..............

Ally says


over 7 years

Ally says


deletedover 7 years
ally wife
over 7 years
over 7 years
my gf.... ,, , ,. ..
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
ok well i tried to post earlier but i was in a game so rip me good luck getting through everyone before me
deletedover 7 years
your presence on this site is a welcome one and very rarely do i ever hear someone say anything even remotely negative about you. anyone who knows you well knows how genuine and incredible you are and there's a reason that you have such a good rep on here and why you're so well liked. you have kind words to say about almost everyone and when you think unkind thoughts you genuinely feel bad just for thinking them and it's lowkey pretty adorable.

i've been working on this for an hour and i've been trying to make it sound more coherent but i have a lot of thoughts and i'm not very good at articulating them. you know how much you mean to me and how much i care about you. you're an incredible person and i'm lucky to have you as my friend, scott. thank you for everything. love you. ♥
deletedover 7 years
cont: you are intelligent and capable and i truly believe that you are a good player and i think you should believe in yourself a bit more too. you didn't get silver in embb for nothing. you worked hard to get there and you should be so incredibly proud of yourself for that and have a little more faith in your abilities.

the same lack of confidence in your playing abilities shows in your personal life sometimes and i catch you apologizing or feeling bad for things that aren't even close to being your fault fairly often. you get so worried about upsetting people that you're ready to apologize at the drop of a hat. this is something big that we have in common. you also worry an awful lot about doing the right thing. and i know there are things that you've done that you regret now, but we all have that. there's nothing you can do about stuff in your past. you just have to learn from it going into the future. you were right in your opinion when you said that hormones get the best of both of us sometimes. but it happens to most people and it's a part of life and you should never be down on yourself for acting on urges that other people might not approve of. do what feels right to *you* regardless of what anyone else might think. that's something we both need to learn, i think. (there's still more sdkgjhsdg god)
deletedover 7 years

Otherscott says

Ally you're the worst opinionizer

hi scott!! this is going to be a novel and a half i hope you're ready!!

without a doubt you are my absolute closest friend on this site. i've never met someone on here that has understood me so well so quickly and half the time when you say something it resonates so well with me that it's like hearing myself talking. a lot of the same struggles that i have is something that you're facing or something similar to something you're facing. whenever i talk to you about something i'm going through i feel like you genuinely understand exactly what i mean and i never have to worry about being judged or telling you something and having you make fun of me for it ever because i know that you have my back and i know that you'll support me no matter what i tell you. you never make me feel like i'm being annoying or anything you're always completely supportive and you'll never really know how much i appreciate you and your friendship. it's more than i can put into words and it's pretty incredible to me that i haven't even known you for very long and i already trust you deeply.

EM-wise, you are incredibly, incredibly hard on yourself after games. i never really saw that until after the last game you played, and how down on yourself you were. and that's really sad to me because i think you're truly a good player and i think if you had more self confidence it would help you out a lot. i know everyone is hard on themselves sometimes and i am too so i completely understand. i think confidence is worth a lot in these games and if you show more certainty in your playing style i believe you'll have better results. there is no reason for you not to be confident in yourself. (to be continued)
deletedover 7 years
Put me next or ill disown you.