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Morning All-Stars 2 - Cast Reveal

about 7 years

For the last week or so I have been putting together the cast for Morning All-Stars 2. There are plenty of people who haven't made the cut that otherwise easily could've. However, I am confident that I have a great cast put together with a total of 24 players! You can see them on the side. -->

Morning All-Stars 2 will be hosted solo by me on May 6th, 9AM EST. It's sure to be an exciting game with many twists and turns! I hope everyone will be able to enjoy it and I can't wait to host it this Saturday!

                                      See you then. :)


about 7 years
no pre game allies please, lets play pure, i want to play this game to make new friends and catch up with a few old ones. lets have fun guys :D
about 7 years

cinnanie says

me when I woke up to this thread:

literally me too
about 7 years
me when I woke up to this thread:

about 7 years
this cast is scary
about 7 years
i wonder how shook everyone will be once line reveals the surprise guest is me
about 7 years
Clearly everyone is mad because the best morning player is marcolem. Evicted HighSpace in his last morning game
about 7 years
i want to pee
about 7 years
me @everyone
about 7 years
about 7 years

Ripple says

icon :3
deletedabout 7 years

Alec says

@me reading this post and stopping at #14

about 7 years
about 7 years

Dariukas47 says

LineLiar says

Dariukas47 says


what are you trying to say

this is your face right now when you reply comments

more like

about 7 years

LineLiar says

Dariukas47 says


what are you trying to say

this is your face right now when you reply comments

about 7 years

Dariukas47 says


what are you trying to say
about 7 years

Lineliar says

do you need more alts to upvote it?

oh my god. god forbid. i am so sorry, i'll be taking back my tacky 1 upvote.
about 7 years

about 7 years

LineLiar says

Alec says

@me reading this post and stopping at #14

do you need more alts to upvote it?

Can confirm that I am an Alec alt.
about 7 years
all stars games are bad lol
deletedabout 7 years

Alec says

@me reading this post and stopping at #14

about 7 years

Alec says

@me reading this post and stopping at #14

do you need more alts to upvote it?
deletedabout 7 years
didn't need to look further than one tbh
about 7 years

@me reading this post and stopping at #14