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RSSurvivor: Veterans vs Newbies

about 7 years

Hi everyone,

So, as there have been so many new players recently, and as it is going to be season 16 of RSSurvivor, thought it'd be appropriate to do my own version of Fans vs Favourites....

A Veterans vs Newbies season!

This will be held on Sunday 7th at 6pm est! I am probably looking for around 20-24 players.

Reserve in the comments below or private message me if you are interested, and include when you joined the survivor lobby as well please. The join dates are how the tribes are going to be decided.

Hope to see you all there, I promise to make it a fun game :)

about 7 years
Oops, I meant November 2015.
about 7 years

eatemuptigs says


Can't see any picture eat? lol
deletedabout 7 years

about 7 years
Reserving for the following users:


deletedabout 7 years
tenta tenta tenta :doge: also i joined in September 2015 :p
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
tenta! i joined in january

**but i used to play a few years ago
about 7 years
November 2016.
about 7 years
Thanks guys! :)
about 7 years
Reserving for callmeCC

They joined the site two weeks ago.
about 7 years
i joined the site more than 2 years ago

it looks like i started playing survivor around april 2016 but i'm not really positive.

oh and yeah i'm playing
about 7 years
This sounds like a fun idea count me in
I joined the site June of 2016
about 7 years
Cool Tennis that would be nice! When did you join the site?
deletedabout 7 years
I will try and make it
about 7 years
Reserving for the following users:




