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Hurt & Heal: Duffs Addition

about 7 years

Doing this traditional style because the hurt&heal mod sucks (no offense lucidrains)

You can post every 4 hours

Upvote +1

Neg -2

ViolaSweatshirt - 30

papuito - 30

shearsSedator - 30

Solace - 30

Babe - 30

Cody - 30

Gerry - 30

Mori - 30

RinLin9 - 30

JeffreyAaron - 30

pingu - 30

expose - 30

Jess - 30

ponds - 30

deletedabout 7 years

PonyLove says

Matt and jack aren't even in duffs?

yeah can we keep this to real duffs only please?
deletedabout 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 20 --
peach - 33
sweetnkind - 19
bulla - 27 +
Babe - 31
Cody - 32
Gerry - 33
Matt - 29
jack - 30
ponds - 33
about 7 years
forgot to also neg expose
about 7 years
plus rinlin9
deletedabout 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 22 (+)
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
bulla - 26
Babe - 31 (--)
Cody - 32
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
jack - 30
ponds - 33
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 21
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
Shivv - 26
Babe - 33
Cody - 32 +
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
jack - 30
ponds - 33
about 7 years
Nicol4d 2h
peach - 3
Froggy - 3
sweetnkind - 1
TMJuke - 1
Shivv - 2
Cody - 3
Gerry - 2
Matt - 3
Hedger - 2
jack - 3
ponds - 3
about 7 years
I see :(
about 7 years
honorary duffs member
about 7 years
Matt and jack aren't even in duffs?
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 21 (--)
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
Shivv - 26
Babe - 33 (+)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
jack - 30
ponds - 33
about 7 years

blood4bloodgod says

Where them loose waifus at

pm rinlin9
about 7 years
Where them loose waifus at
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 23 (--)
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
Shivv - 26
Babe - 32 (+)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
jack - 30
ponds - 33
about 7 years
why do we have to do it manually when lucid added the h&h in forums?
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 25 (--)
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
Shivv - 26
Babe - 31 (+)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
jack - 30
ponds - 33
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
Shivv - 26
Babe - 30 (+)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
pingu - 0 (--)
jack - 30
ponds - 33
deletedabout 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
peach - 32
sweetnkind - 19
Shivv - 26
Babe - 29
Cody - 31
Gerry - 29
Matt - 33
pingu - 2 --
jack - 30
ponds - 33 +
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
peach - 32
shearsSedator - 19
Solace - 26
Babe - 29 (+)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 28
Matt - 33
pingu - 4 (--)
jess - 30
ponds - 32
deletedabout 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
peach - 32
shearsSedator - 19
Solace - 26
Babe - 28 (--)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 28
Matt - 33
pingu - 6 (+)
jess - 30
ponds - 32

(according to the positions of their hurts/heals)
deletedabout 7 years
omfg stop trolling -___-
deletedabout 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
Papuito - 41,23 +
sweetnkind - K.O --
Solace - 26
Babe - 30
Cody - 31
Gerry - 28
Matt - 33
pingu - 5
jack - 30
ponds - 32
deletedabout 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
peach - 31
sweetnkind - 21
Solace - 26
Babe - 30 +
Cody - 31
Gerry - 28
Matt - 33
pingu - 5
jack - 30 --
ponds - 32
deletedabout 7 years
Tucker coming in from Vivor lobby just to downvote me but still watches my Snap story daily. The pettiness is real, and unnecessary.
about 7 years
ViolaSweatshirt - 27
peach - 31
shearsSedator - 21
Solace - 26
Babe - 29 (+)
Cody - 31
Gerry - 28
Matt - 33
pingu - 5 (--)
jess - 32
ponds - 32