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Survivor: Pluto

about 7 years


Beep.. beep.. beep..

                                                                                               Who's there?

“This is aircraft ZYZ-49-F reporting, date April 27, 2599, of an abundantly heavy radioactivity within Area X. The abnormal amount of radiation leads us to believe there might be ...”

I think you can assume the rest. Your mission here is to find out what happened to these people and delve deeper into the history behind Pluto. You have approximately... 8 hours, give or take, once you start your journey, but I wish you the best.

To sign up for the mission, please reserve your position below. We are taking up to 27 brave astronauts who are willing to risk their lives for knowledge.

Hosts: HardCarry, Alec

Last documented photograph from the missing astronauts:


about 7 years
me play
about 7 years
I'll reserve
about 7 years
Alright fam, always remember Mission #1!
about 7 years
Oh, I mistook what time this was at. I don't think I can do it anymore, I have class in the morning D: I'll take back my reserve.
about 7 years

Alec says


about 7 years
about 7 years
Is this tonight or tomorrow?

Can't tonight, but if it's tomorrow then reserve.
about 7 years
reserving for GingasGirlfriend
about 7 years
Tentareserve for Icycoldhand19
deletedabout 7 years
ill tentaserve
about 7 years
Reserving for yuujin.
about 7 years
about 7 years
reserving :~)
about 7 years
sounds interesting reserving
about 7 years

PotatoPlayer says

looks pretty cool tbh

i try my best
about 7 years
looks pretty cool tbh
about 7 years
Reserving for LocoTil.