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Role relations

deletedover 7 years

if all the roles were related to one another what would you think they would be?

Oracle and Enchantress would be sisters

Granny and Gramps would be a bickering old couple

Baker and Chef would be bffs sharing delicious cuisines

over 7 years
XD If only...if only.....

Hmm, everything is connected cyclically through relationships to each other starting at a chain of relationships based upon the bleeder being shot culminating in a criminal takeover by the mastermind that goes awry, more or less. Something like that. yeah. That's like six pages just of how one roles relates to the other. So that's the best summary I can come up with. Feel free to read the whole thing for the novelized version.
over 7 years
Jacob, could we get a "Too long didn't read" to summarize all of what you typed, please?
over 7 years
To prove a point, the mastermind hired a man, the yakuza, to infiltrate the godfather’s organization without him knowing. The other step in his plan involved taking over the town. The mastermind hired the hitman and the sniper to take out the governor and godfather. The governor had a serviceman hired to protect him, the bullet proof. When attempting to kill the governor, the bullet proof pushed the governor out of the way and someone else got shot instead. The doctor, the nurse, and the surgeon all helped to handle the victim when she got to the ER. They had to counteract the blood thinners the quack had given her to stop the excessive bleeding and to prevent her bleeding out.

After all,

The bleeder was shot. The bleeder is the virgin’s older sister.
over 7 years
oh my god dude what the actual......
over 7 years
The surgeon is the doctor who helped to keep the dreamer alive when she was attacked. The paralyzer is the anesthesiologist who recommended putting her into a drug-induced coma until she could recover physically. She’s been placed into the same ward as the zombie—who is in a vegetative state—and the ghoul—a patient with traumatic brain injury. The surgeon is so engrossed in his work here, that he has little time for anything else, which is why he always shuts everyone else out while he’s working.

The surgeon does have time, however, for a playful, flirty relationship with the tailor, who is the girl who sizes him for his suits for special occasions. The tailor’s best friend, the santa, tries to give her dating advice and is always bringing her things to help her win the surgeon’s attractions. Her other friend, the illusionist, is always telling her she should be playing harder to get and giving the surgeon the impression she’s not available. The santa and the illusionist disagree on this strategy of approach. The santa thinks openness is a better way to do it.

The tailor has another admirer, though, the toreador. The toreador is always trying to impress her and is always asking her out. He’s annoying, but she does like the guy. The toreador is the driver’s cousin. The driver works for hire taking people to and fro. He often ends up taxiing around high-rollers like the actress, the celebrity, and others. However, his true work is to the mastermind, a criminal gangster who is setting up an operation in the city and taking control of the godfather’s organization through gang warfare.
over 7 years
Both the stalker and invisible man attend the same school and have a crush on the virgin. The stalker is the detective’s son. The invisible man is too afraid to ask the virgin out, but he’s always hanging out with her. If it weren’t for having to compete with the perfect-but-gay guy, the butterfly, the invisible man might have a chance. The stalker follows the virgin on all social media. The lookout is the stalker’s wingman in trying to get the virgin. The snoop help’s the invisible man to try to get the virgin, because the snoop is the invisible man’s best friend. Meanwhile, the snoop is the trickster’s gf. The journalist is the snoop’s father, who works at the local newspaper to publish any news. The invisible man is too afraid to ask the virgin out because his last girlfriend, the heartbreaker, broke up with him at the prom and left with his friend, the turncoat, who was never his friend in the first place.

And he can’t get the virgin anyways, since her father, the strongman, would kill weakling potential suitors like a protective father does. The strongman bought his gun he uses to scare the suitors off custom-made from the tinkerer.

The mechanic and the tinkerer work together at the auto-repair shop. The mechanic helps to fixed broken cars. He has a lot of these to work on because there is a used car salesman, the fabricator, who sells broken cars. The saboteur runs a competitor business to the mechanic’s, which is a shady one where they find something “wrong” to fix. The slasher is the tinkerer’s psychotic brother-in-law, who attacked the tinkerer’s sister, the dreamer, giving her such bad injuries she was placed into a coma until she recovers. The tinkerer now has to take care of his medicated brother-in-law—who always tries to avoid taking his medicine and must be watched take it—and his comatose sister.
over 7 years
The spy keeps a cover in town as a researcher. He often talks with the whisperer to learn happenings from the town. The spy also keeps in contact with his hacker friend, the cyborg. The cyborg doesn’t particularly like the spy, but when their goals coincide, he’s willing to help by providing the necessary viruses.

The cyborg is really just a teenager though. He and the samurai know each other by their online gamer tags, which they use to play together. The cyborg is always getting in trouble with his principle, the town crier, who doesn’t like that he is so smart but doesn’t apply himself to better his life.

The town crier honestly believes in the value of education, wanting people to learn and know things. His partner, the ventriloquist, on the other hand, is a practical jokester. The ventriloquist just wants people to have fun. There’s a lot of friction between the two. The crier also has a personal enemy, the silencer.
The silencer was a student who got upset with the institution and fought it. The ventriloquist loves the kid, but the crier doesn’t.

The silencer is part of a neo-liberal anarchist group that believes the government is a source of oppression. The group is comprised of the silencer, the fiddler, the blinder, and the librarian. They all think to give power back to the people, modern society must be brought down. The fiddler is the caroler’s former music teacher.

The fiddler, the librarian, the janitor. The fiddler teaches music; the virgin is one of his students. The janitor lives across the street from the oracle and enchantress, and was, up until recently, the enchantress’s boyfriend. He secretly admires them and wants to be like them, but can’t. The librarian’s polar opposite is her college son, the party host.
over 7 years
The witch knows the warlock through video rental store. The warlock is a wiz with movies. The warlock really doesn’t agree with anything the witch says or does. The witch however, really wants the warlock. The warlock is the twin brother of the monk. The monk and the warlock have arguments mostly about philosophical views, though they otherwise get along. The monk gets along well with the lover, and supports her through her hard times. He didn’t know her much before her husband disappeared, but afterwards he was part of her support groups and gave her good counsel.

The leader often headed some of those support groups. He heads the AA group as well, and thus is very familiar with the nurse who attends to get support to help her husband. The leader is also currently running for a position on the city council, and he’s running against the framer, who keeps inventing lies about him.

The framer is a close personal friend of the lawyer. They often go bowling together. The forger and the framer are in business together, verifying antiques. They often help out the clockmaker who runs an antique store.
The clockmaker and the werewolf are co-owners of the store. They both do basically the same thing, though in different ways. They don’t always get along. Unbeknownst to the town, both the clockmaker and the werewolf are on the FBI’s most wanted list. These guys are other targets the agent is hunting down. They are also high interest targets to the spy, who if he found out about their real activities would have to report it.
over 7 years
The head mason and the priest were both part of the same neighborhood gang as children. They chose different paths and can’t bear each other anymore, especially after the mason’s wife died (She really helped to keep them from being hostile).

The priest has two cousins, the jailer and the interrogator. The jailer had married the civilian, but they got divorced after things just weren’t working out. The civilian hasn’t remarried, but is now part of a polyamorous group with the Templar. The jailer doesn’t have time for a relationship now because he’s married to his work; he works the graveyard shift. But the deputy sometimes comes and keeps him company. The interrogator knows the sheriff and the deputy because he works with them. The interrogator has a thing with the whisperer, though nobody knows what. Rumor says the whisperer met the interrogator online, but nobody really knows since it’s on the down low.

The Templar sometimes comes and talks to the priest because the Templar is part of the church picnic group. The priest and the cult leader don’t like each other because the cult leader keeps picketing the priest’s church and the priest has publically insulted the cult leader because of it. Plus, the priest is a lot more conservative than the cult leader.

The priest is close friends with the caroler, who is the music director for his parish. The caroler is meanwhile BFF’s with the mistletoe, who she has known since kindergarten. The mistletoe, who is sister to the justice, is happily engaged to the cupid. But the mistletoe keeps trying to set the caroler up with the siren. The caroler is actually in love with tree, who enjoys listening to her music from his window, but the mistletoe won’t accept that. The mistletoe’s fiancée, the cupid, is perfectly fine with it and approves.

The siren bonded with caroler over music and became lesbian for the caroler. She is also the witch’s aunt. The witch looks up to the siren. But they otherwise don’t interact much.
over 7 years
The survivor, of course, is the guy who thinks he needs to be prepped for the end of the world. He and the gunsmith work together to keep a stocked bunker and a cache of weapons and ammunitions for when the world falls apart. The gunsmith is mainly in it for the guns, he’s a gun nut. Whenever the hunter and huntsman come by the gunsmith’s store to buy ammunition, he’s always willing to talk about it. The gunsmith works with his part-time employee, the associate.

The huntsman is a pretty lonely guy. His only real social interaction anymore is shooting with the hunter and the trapper. He also goes out and has coffee with the gallis occasionally. Both have been bothered to join this new world order group, the masons, but neither really wants to. Neither really wants the responsibility.

The gallis is the son of the paranoid cop. The gallis is also the mortal enemy of the lyncher, who hates him for being better than him. The paranoid cop is always worried someone will kill his son. The paranoid cop also has these strange conspiracies—like how his father is the head of this weird new world order group—the masons. This causes the paranoid cop to see danger everywhere. The head mason is, in fact, his father.

The head mason really doesn’t like the cult leader because the cult leader keeps spouting off his mouth about his secret organization. The mason also has trouble with the traitor. The traitor used to be the head mason’s right-hand man in the new world order, but decided it wasn’t for him and tried to get out. Clearly, they can’t get along now because of it. This also puts the head mason at odds with the autocrat, because the autocrat is the traitor’s brother.
over 7 years
Autocrat, politician, and leader all went to school together for law. The lawyer was the politician's best friend. The president was the autocrat's best friend, but they stopped being friends after the autocrat became friends with the leader. The politician worked directly with the filibuster to stop an EPA measure from being passed.

The autocrat and the anarchist met in an online chat. They formed a gaming group with the Cthulhu, the diabolist, and the survivor. They meet do play 5e D&D weekly. The Cthulhu sometimes missing game to meet with his World of Warcraft gaming friends (the cult). He doesn’t play as much anymore because his guild leader, the cult leader, stopped inviting him to raids, but he gets on to help them out whenever they do call him. They also are weirdly into new age religion, but the Cthulhu doesn’t care-he’s not with them for their beliefs. The cult and Cthulhu are also always trying to recruit the samurai to play with them, because he’s a real badass.

The samurai is a lone gamer, though, preferring first-person shooters. While he’s damn awesome on MMORPGs, he won’t play them. Even when the cult and Cthulhu try to recruit him to it, he just won’t. He is brother to the bodyguard. The bodyguard works for celebrity, providing security. The angel is the bodyguard’s boo-thang, but the love is still at first base because both of them are so involved with other people.

The diabolist is the voodoo lady’s twin brother. The voodoo lady shares her brother’s religious views, but not his love for gaming. She has a coven with the witch and the creepy girl. The witch is a loner mainly because everybody knows her to be a girl that messes around on people. Thus, the witch.
over 7 years
The governor is married to a real hag of a lady who will probably kill him one day for ignoring her, the medusa. The governor thinks his wife is cheating on him with their gardener, the ninja. But he can’t catch the ninja in the act. So he hired a P.I., the tracker, to try to find out. The P.I.’s partner, the watcher, keeps an eye on the wife.

The governor’s pharmacist, the poisoner, says he should watch his stress levels and has been prescribing him blood-pressure medicine off-the-books. The governor is a patient of the doctor, who currently doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the governor. The doctor knows the poisoner since the poisoner prescribes for the doctor a lot.

The governor knows the lawyer, the politician, the sheriff, and the godfather. The governor doesn’t like godfather, because the godfather is making a criminal element in the city that’s starting to be noticed. Of course, with the politican in the godfather’s pocket, nothing’s going to get done. The lawyer just follows the money, and so he sticks with the godfather. That doesn’t stop the governor from dining and wining with the godfather when politics aren’t involved. The godfather’s son is the consigliere. His right hand man is the don, who always takes the fall. Thus, the governor is always at odds with don having no evidence against the godfather.
over 7 years
The lightkeeper’s ex-wife is the actress, who was a total snob. The actress divorced him when he didn’t want to move out to the big city to help her pursue a movie career. She became best friends with the celebrity, but only became a minor personality. She is now in a working relationship with a member of the press who became interested in her, the paparazzi. She has a role in an upcoming movie and a solid movie deal—thanks to the don, who she paid off to help her land it. The paparazzi is the oracle’s ex-boyfriend.

The thief was a friend of the actress. However, when she took him to visit the celebrity, he stole something and she stopped being his friend after that. The thief now drinks at the same bar as the drunk and the plumber, who both sympathize with his woman problems.

The thief is also now seeing the hooker when he has the money, since she does most of her business outside of the same bar. She’s having it rough though. She’s raising two kids alone. Her youngster child is the monkey, who, because he lacks a strong fatherly figure and rarely sees his mother, just imitates what he sees in order to try to fit in. One of her customers, the governor, wants her to be able to keep a living for herself and hires her again and again despite that he never does anything with her. The informant works with the hooker on the street, though he deals drugs instead of love. The informant also serves as the underworld connection for the cop, the detective, and the agent.
over 7 years
The nurse, who works for the surgeon, is in a relationship with the drunk, which is why she spends so many overtime hours at the hospital. It’s also why she spends her lunch hour talking to the secretary about her woes. At least her son, the snowman, has a good relationship with her soon-to-be daughter-in-law the bride.

Of course, the fool is the snowman’s best man who thinks he still has a shot at the bride. The fool’s father, the sleepwalker, said he should go for it. Secretly, the bride’s beautiful maid of honor, the enchantress, has a crush on the fool, which has caused her and her boyfriend the janitor to have some friction. She probably will break up with him before the wedding. The chef will be serving the wedding.

The chef is friends with the baker, who he shares recipes with. The cutler and the chef both work at the same restaurant. The cutler delivers cutlery to the baker very often. The baker buys flour from the miller. The miller is currently under investigation by the confused cop. This is because the miller is always hanging out with the suspect, who is a suspect in a police investigation. The suspect and the miller are both customers of the oracle.

The enchantress is younger sister to the oracle. The oracle is single and nearly blind. Her neighbor always keeps the porch lights on bright so that she can see late at night. This is probably because he really likes her, but feels he is too old for her. But she’s not so young either.
over 7 years
The judge also knows the justice from working together on the bench. The justice used to be the judge when the judge was just a public defender. The justice is the mistletoe’s brother. The judge lives next to the gramps, who is married to the granny.

The granny and gramp’s grandson is the arsonist and their other grandson is the trickster. Their son is the plumber. The arsonist is so obsessed with fire because he was bullied by the rival at school. The sidekick is the arsonist’s best friend and occasional partner in crime.

The granny plays bridge every week with the old maid and the loudmouth. The gramps plays poker in the other room with the gambler, the sheriff, and the governor.

The creepy girl is the girl-next-door to the arsonist. Sometimes they share homework answers. The creepy girl volunteers at the zoo where she watches over the penguin. The trapper is the one who catches the penguins when they escape from their exhibits (Which is a regular occurrence). He also goes out shooting every week with the hunter and the huntsman. The trapper is the step-brother of the interceptor, who owns a cyber-security company to stop hackers
The hunter is married to the secretary. They don’t have any kids (because she blocks him all the time), but they have dogs. The secretary works for the doctor, who secretly fancies her, at his private practice. The doctor works with the nurse and the surgeon at the same hospital. The doctor went to school with the quack and personally hates him.
over 7 years
The alien is currently running from the agent who is attempting to locate him for the FBI. Meanwhile, the agent has other cases he’s investigating. One is a potential terrorist who is working together with a local highschooler who has taken to making explosives (the bomb). In order to investigate these cases, the agent is often talking to the shrink and the quack. He has a partner—the mortician—who does post-mortems for him and examines medical evidence to determine what’s going on. The spy works for an opposing intelligence agency and is trying to covertly keep tabs on the agent.
All the cops work together. The naive cop is the local law enforcement contact for the agent on this case. The detective was the one who investigated crimes related to the killer and ultimately got him arrested. The lazy cop is the guy who allowed the killer to get off due to misfiled paperwork. The lawyer protected the killer during this case and was able to actually get the mistrial because he knew the judge from the local jurisdiction.
The judge is personal friends with the prosecutor who tried the case. The three all go golfing every weekend. The prosecutor knows everyone down at the local law enforcement and often works with the main cop and sheriff on cases in their jurisdiction.
over 7 years
Ok, I tried my hand at creating a mythology. Tell me what you think:

The bleeder was shot. The bleeder is the virgin's older sister. The bleeder’s lover is the vigilante, who is trying to avenge his girlfriend getting shot. The vigilante is the sheriff's brother-in-law. The sheriff was tipped off by the psychic that the vigilante was going to commit murder. The psychic works with the police often to solve unsolvable crimes. Telepath is the psychic's twin. The psychic helps the amnesiac try to recover his memory. The lover continues to wait for her love, the amnesiac, to come back to her. That leaves the lover taking care of the amnesiac’s brother, the mimic, who isn’t mentally stable.

The shrink and the telepath are good friends in offices next to each other, along with the quack who has the corner office down the hall. Neither believes the other, but they still laugh it off. Meanwhile, the shrink is dealing with rehabilitating the killer, admirer, lover, and mimic for psychopathy, ROCD, manic depression, and schizophrenia respectively. Neither the shrink or the telepath respect the quack, but both let him talk to them about his patients—the bleeder (who he treats for her bleeding disorder) and a man who claims he was visited by the alien.

The killer is the admirer’s godfather. The disguiser is the admirer’s genetic conman father who abandoned him. His genetic mother is the nomad, who ran off when he was born. His genetic father the disguiser is the one who caused the amnesiac to lose his memory.
over 7 years

autocrat and traitor are brothers

they probably don't look the same with the new icons because the new icons aren't true to the lore, but classic icons do not lie
over 7 years

ObitoSigma says

Is it x reader lemon?

get out of my house
over 7 years
Is it x reader lemon?
over 7 years
no seriously i made a series of stories
theres like. a 3 (4 if you squint) person mafia thats the main focus of them
its got an apprentice named casey, a guiser named leta, a scout named damian, and a mm named quinn
deletedover 7 years
Santa is secretly your daddy ;););)
over 7 years
The blues are an extended family. Every now and then two cousins get together and make a fool, or worse, any variety of psychotic cops with a badge but, thankfully, not a gun. Those come from gunsmiths, another unreliable bunch of blue collars tasked with making guns, not with knowing who to give them to.

Sheriffs come from another family in town, the nepotistic kind that appoint their sons deputy. The blues don't have much of a case given the nepotists' eldest pass governorship down the family line. Every now and then they pump out a celebrity, who's naturally beyond question coming from the family of authority.

Then there are those gypsies that keep passing through: enchantresses, psychics, oracles - they all seem to carry crystal balls with them, have you noticed that? Well, they're kind enough to let you know you can't trust them, even if they only admit it through carry-on luggage.

Tensions were tough in town before the mafia came around. Before you knew it, your local sheriff became an illusionist and somehow they even weaponized drunks by turning them into hookers. And you never know when there's a turncoat lurking about, ready to turn on town first visit from the thugs.

All in all, it shouldn't be too difficult to find the mafia, but the that's not our real intention here. No, the mafia are just an excuse: Town wants to destroy itself. Blues want to hang sheriffs, governors want to exterminate those deceitful gypsies, and mafia is just a means to an end.
over 7 years
ive written entirely unironic fanfictions about em lore so im already 1 step ahead of yall
over 7 years
penguins are orgy buddies