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deletedabout 7 years

Hey everyone! Its me, eatemuptigs! I'm here to announce my upcoming games in both the EatemupVivor series and EatBB!

May 4th, 7:30PM: Star Wars: A Lone Survivor

May the 4th be with you!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

War! The Jedi and the Sith are locked into a long, intense battle for control over the galaxy. How long will this last? Who will be tempted by the dark side, and who will return to the light side? Also, the two sides are low on their supplies, so someone needs to become one with the Force after each battle in order to give their side some strength. At the end, only one person will be left standing, and crowned Emperor of the Galaxy!

All this on, Survivor, Star Wars Edition!

I'm planning on hosting for 16 here, will expand to 20 if necessary.

May 5th, 7PM: EatBB 3

I'm really excited to host another Big Brother game the next night, which will have Pandora's Boxes, backstabbing, backdoors, and excitement! I'm really hoping this game can be big, I'm gonna plan for 18 players, I will adjust accordingly based on turnout.

Please reserve in the comments below or message me on EM/Skype if you plan on playing one or both of the games!

Who shot first?
about 7 years
yeah I might have just enough time to play so I'll reserve just in case
deletedabout 7 years

eatemuptigs says

Okay, I have 18 reserves for EatBB3. If anyone else wants to reserve, please let me know and you will be one of the first notified if a spot opens up. I'm really excited for this game!

I will tentaserve
deletedabout 7 years
Okay, I have 18 reserves for EatBB3. If anyone else wants to reserve, please let me know and you will be one of the first notified if a spot opens up. I'm really excited for this game!
about 7 years
reserving for 4Random2
about 7 years
I reserve for EatBB if not too late.
deletedabout 7 years
*flicks picantes vajoina*
deletedabout 7 years
tenta for eat bb :p
about 7 years
Reserve for eat BB pls :)
about 7 years
hi me
about 7 years
i reserve for survivor
about 7 years
ill reserve for tonight if not too late and tomorrow!
deletedabout 7 years
i have to unreserve for star wars :-( sorry anthony
about 7 years
I'll play the star wars game if I don't fall asleep before then
deletedabout 7 years
Just for reference, I will be making these games passworded, and I will PM anyone who reserved the password first, then post the password on the wall 10 minutes later to fill in the rest of the game, because you were kind enough to reserve.
about 7 years
about 7 years
Hey I applied for mcdonalds and I interview tomorrow so I may not be able to make it!!! Just so you know!!!
about 7 years
reserving for the may 4th one too
deletedabout 7 years
I have to push the start time of Star Wars Survivor back to 7:30 due to a meeting JUST being scheduled for me from 5-7PM that night
about 7 years
I would have liked to play in the star wars themed survivor but I can't stay up that late on a weekday so i'll reserve for bb :)/
about 7 years
Reserve for bb pls
deletedabout 7 years
bump! Considering its officially May and Thursday is the Survivor game and Friday is EatBB!
about 7 years
reserve for bb also
about 7 years
reserve for bb
deletedabout 7 years
Updated with the amount of players I'm accepting each game. also bump.
deletedabout 7 years
Ill flick sammys vagoina in whispers