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a reassessment on locking threads

about 7 years

another debate thread locked before i got to post my counterarguments, another slight against the concept of a forum

i have a suggestion on how locking threads should work

please don't lock this thread if you disagree

  • do lock threads that are nothing but spam
  • do lock threads that are nothing but harassment
  • do not lock threads because there's a disagreement
  • do not lock threads because they aren't about kittens and puppy dogs

here's a general rule of thumb: if you didn't find any reason to lock the thread before, you probably don't have any reason to lock it later. the only difference is that someone might've taken it too far, and punishing the thread instead of that someone is f*cking stupid

some of us can enjoy debating trash without getting upset, and if you get upset then take your upset and move along otherwise you're the one making trouble not the thread

should controversial threads be locked
no, do your job and remove the harassment
yes, for any reason
no, for no reason
yes, if there's harassment
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
Do you even have to ask
deletedabout 7 years

sigh says

thelastchromosome says

sigh says

but theyre always locked after i win so i dont rly mind

what does "i want to kill myself but it would make my parents sad" win you?

wow good job summarising my whole argument! you're so coherent and articulate

was that satire?
about 7 years
make a trhead about locked games
deletedabout 7 years

thelastchromosome says

sigh says

but theyre always locked after i win so i dont rly mind

what does "i want to kill myself but it would make my parents sad" win you?

wow good job summarising my whole argument! you're so coherent and articulate
deletedabout 7 years

sigh says

but theyre always locked after i win so i dont rly mind

what does "i want to kill myself but it would make my parents sad" win you?
deletedabout 7 years
but theyre always locked after i win so i dont rly mind
deletedabout 7 years
i have so much fun arguing i used to argue on youtube comments heaps but this is a better platform and im sad when topics are locked
about 7 years

sl0nderman says

You gained brousoufs
deletedabout 7 years
could you post them here i'd like to know what u think
about 7 years

dooze says

I hope more people post here, because personally as a sod mod I want to make sure we do what u fellas want

I want dat number, girl

about 7 years

cub says

do not lock threads because they aren't about kittens and puppy dogs

ok, no.
about 7 years
I hope more people post here, because personally as a sod mod I want to make sure we do what u fellas want
deletedabout 7 years
I never said that I said about locking topics

and only about locking topics
about 7 years

Jimbei says

no I'm saying locking it right away or locking it later is a lose-lose cub so they might as well do it right away if it's bad instead of letting things slowly escalate

although I agree good threads shouldn't be locked due to post flooding

it's never a negative to leave a valid discussion going, only to ignore attempts to invalidate it
about 7 years

Chaika says

Is this suggestion directed towards any recent action in particular?

all suggestions for change in practice are based on current practices

it's the thread you're thinking about and several others before it you aren't thinking about
deletedabout 7 years
no I'm saying locking it right away or locking it later is a lose-lose cub so they might as well do it right away if it's bad instead of letting things slowly escalate

although I agree good threads shouldn't be locked due to post flooding
about 7 years
Is this suggestion directed towards any recent action in particular?
about 7 years
how do mods lose for leaving a thread open

also how do mods not win from removing off-topic posts instead of throwing the topic out with the shltposters
about 7 years
thanks for your input
deletedabout 7 years
threads are kept around until they escalate even though the point of the opening post was to set things up to be escalated

I feel as if they're only locked after to show to the community why leaving them open is a bad idea instead of getting people complaining about threads getting auto-locked

then this topic pops up anyways

lose-lose, mods.
about 7 years