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Yelp My Game!

over 7 years

This thread's purpose: for hosts to learn how to improve their games and see what aspect of their game people enjoyed, new game ideas, and new players who wish to start hosting will be able to assimilate important hosting functions.

There are a lot of lobby wall comments every week post-game whether it be positive or negative, so I thought "Why not make it a learning experience for everyone?"

How this will work (how I want it to work): SIMPLE

After a hosted game, a host can come here and post to ask for reviews or a player can personally review a host's game after it had finished. Or just comment on a host in general.

Review Format:

Game Type: (Survivor, BB, TWL, etc.) *Optional

Host Name:

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)?

What I enjoy about their game(s):

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again?

My placement in this game: (to measure bias) *Optional

*If criticizing a host harshly, please use appropriate language.

over 7 years
Game Type: All

Host Name: eatemuptigs, itxLuca, matt

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)? It's already amazing.

What I enjoy about their game(s): Everything.

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again? Yes.

My placement in this game: Didn't play but was still more valid than VWXYZ's placement.

Just because some douchebag decided to ruin it for everybody else doesn't mean these hosts are at fault.
over 7 years
Game Type: (Survivor, BB, TWL, etc.):

Host Name:

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)?
The game was a bit too fast up until f2, as even in the f3 it was first to 1 in chromatology which is a really simple game. Perhaps some more difficult games in the later stages too.

What I enjoy about their game(s):
I enjoyed that you were organised, and that you always had a challenge to play, the speed of the game was also pretty good as a few of the people in the game didn't have much time.

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again?
Yes, definitely.

My placement in this game: (to measure bias):
4th out of 8 people.
over 7 years
I get payed by the hosts to say good things about their games
over 7 years
Daily games updated for potential review.
over 7 years
Game Type: twl

Host Name: rob

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)? smile

What I enjoy about their game(s): sweats

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again? sweats

My placement in this game: (to measure bias) 1st
over 7 years
it sucked because i lost jk good job
deletedover 7 years
Please review EatTWL 12 and 13 if possible
over 7 years
Game Type: Dog Eat Dog

Host Name: Krista

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)? Not possible.

What I enjoy about their game(s): Everything.

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again? Yes.

My placement in this game: (to measure bias) I won but she rigged it against me but its ok because I forgive her.
over 7 years
Game Type: All Stars

Host Name: xXEpicGodfatherXx

How can Epic improve his game? Actually complete it instead of postponing the game so he can work on his retirement budget.

What I enjoy about his game: His autoeviction pandora's box.

Would I play his game again? I still need him to finish his game to have an accurate judgement of his abilities as a host
over 7 years
The last game I hosted was a week ago, but would love to hear reviews if anyone can remember my games well enough!
over 7 years

eatemuptigs says

maybe have tribe names other than Tribe 1 Tribe 2 Tribe 3

Better names than Mariawana.
over 7 years
thefire007's Divergent
deletedover 7 years

Alec says

Easter Games up for evaluation:

jbomber732's TribeVivor

Game Type: Survivor

Host Name: jbomber732

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)? There isn't much i can suggest, maybe have tribe names other than Tribe 1 Tribe 2 Tribe 3

What I enjoy about their game(s): They had a nice balance of challenges (despite what some players said), kept the game interesting, and I really enjoyed the idol clue format. Also the doc format was really cool and funny.

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again? Yes, of course
over 7 years
Can I criticize Snow for accidentally evicting me in the Eighth Trophy Game at F10.
over 7 years

Alec says

Easter Games up for evaluation:

jbomber732's TribeVivor

10/10 would recommend to all my friends

okay but srsly

Game Type: Tribevivor

Host Name: jbomber

How can (Host Name) improve their game(s)? More varied challenges maybe?

What I enjoy about their game(s): Classic stuff. No twistos, just vivor.

Would I play (Host Name)'s games again? Absofreakinglutely
over 7 years
Easter Games up for evaluation:

jbomber732's TribeVivor
deletedover 7 years
I was informed that this is the proper place to speak poorly of TheFire007
over 7 years
*If criticizing a host harshly, please use appropriate language.

jesus christ
over 7 years
3/10 my game was ruined because hardcarry was there please have less hardcarry in the future