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This isn't Baabaa

about 7 years

so for over a month now I've been snapchatting someone i thought was baabaa. this is my story

(human sized pictures)

about 7 years
i told them to join epicmafia and they deleted me.
I have no idea who that person was.
But they probably play town of salem
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
haha xo
about 7 years
Wait Mongrel are you telling me that the person I've been snapping is not you??? :0
deletedabout 7 years
is this post having a stroke or am i having a stroke
about 7 years
im sorry baabaa i was not into who i thought you were on snapchat
deletedabout 7 years
Cherry Candy Yum Yum totally wants ur d'ick
about 7 years
friendzoned again
deletedabout 7 years
u got catfished by babababa
about 7 years
uve been snapchatting for over a month and only have 3 screenshots to show. weak.
about 7 years
Haha xo
about 7 years
i love this
deletedabout 7 years
That's truly fascinating babe xo
about 7 years
its snapchat for ants