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corrupt diuumvirate

about 7 years

so bebop owns the lobby then merlot owns the lobby then bebop owns the lobby again

im seeing parallels between sandbox and russia where bebop is putin and merlot is medvedev

russia already stole the us presidential election now they're stealing sandbox??? impeach bebop

your term limit is up
8 signed
get out of politics
about 7 years
hello, ive been a lobby mod for several months now and have been under several lobby owners, and i believe that *dooze* is our best option right now. she is not only what the people want but also someone that has done an extraordinary job as a moderator also for quite a few months now.

another option is that we could also do the council thing i suggested a couple months ago and have a group of influential sandbox users decide as a group who is the most suitable user to be the owner

thought id drop my two cents on the issue
about 7 years
oh, i was under the impression that he deleted his account to stop a bug that people were exploiting but maybe he fixed it another way
about 7 years

Bebop says

unfortunately foxie, lucid doesn't actually have an epicmafia account anymore. unless of course you mean you'd like me to pass it to edark?
thats definitely lucy
deletedabout 7 years
i think that guy ben would be a good owner i vote for him
about 7 years
unfortunately foxie, lucid doesn't actually have an epicmafia account anymore. unless of course you mean you'd like me to pass it to edark?
about 7 years
slon is my second choice
about 7 years
about 7 years
i speak for sandbox and you should pass ownership to admin

thats the only owner who won't **** things up or for that matter do anything at all
deletedabout 7 years
okay I'll stop being a prickly pear for a few days
about 7 years
of course, sandbox's opinion on whoever it is will be taken into account, as will suitability for the position and other contributing factors.
deletedabout 7 years
whenever this 'suitable successor' is picked will you be getting a consensus of sandbox's opinion

not to bring this up the millionth time, and yes I'm aware that you allegedly spoke against him being modded and becoming admin, but if you kept trusting error to watch over the community with all that he's constantly said and done I feel like I'd be speaking for quite a few people when I say that it'd be nice to get a public opinion on whatever user you pick instead of having to deal with the same problems all over again with every single owner since Kenny took over
about 7 years
im bebop
about 7 years

in reality, i'm not planning on owning sandbox for a long period of time this time around, i want to set up a few things and then i'll be back out the door once i find a suitable successor.
about 7 years
Who cares if Putin outclasses Med anyway?