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EM Fear Factor

about 7 years

Hello everyone,

I'm going to be hosting a forum Fear Factor game, starting shortly after the current WhoDunnit game ends (likely in June).

I will select 8-12 participants and will hold competitions to test a bunch of different fears - gross eating, embarrassment, insects, heights, public humiliation, etc. The winner of the contest will receive $60.

The submissions for these competitions will be made by a combination of photos and video and will be posted on EM, only apply if you are comfortable with this. I will not be hosting any challenges that have any sexual content of any form, so there is no need to worry about that if that is giving you any hesitation.

Honestly I think this will be a lot of fun for everyone involved so please apply at the link below.

I'll close applications May 20th, 2017.

Challenge Categories (may be one week added):

Week 1: Pain

Week 2: Heights

Week 3: Eating - Gross

Week 4: Personal Hygiene

Week 5: Embarrassing Video

Week 6: Insomnia

Week 7: Eating - Spicy

Week 8: Public Humiliation

Week 9: Insects


Greatest Fear?
Public Embarassment
Spiders or Snakes
about 7 years
>I will not be hosting any challenges that have any sexual content of any form.

this is when i turn away from this thread. and never return.
about 7 years
And bump!

Also putting this down here just to emphasise it, there is a 60$ prize for winning the game.