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Bobvivor 4 Revenge of the Outcasts

about 7 years

So on April 22nd I am planning on hosting Bobvivor 4 at 8 p. m. EST. For the past two seasons I have started the jury at the beginning of the season so I could try to do my jury revenge twist. The Jury's Revenge twist has never worked out. So I am going to try to make it possible for this season, but I will explain the changes now. We'll start in tribes (either 2 or 3), and someone will be voted off. The person voted off will be out of the game. It won't start immediately with jury. The person voted off will not be lynched until the next day. The day after they are voted off, they will participate in the challenge for that day. If the eliminated player loses to all tribes, that player will be lynched immediately. But for each tribe that the eliminated player beats, they will get to sabotage the tribe, or someone on that tribe. If the eliminated player beats every tribe, all of the tribes would go to tribal with no other sabotage. After the eliminated player has done any sabotage they can, they will leave the game. If you would like to play please reserve in the comments or pm me. I'll have a maximum of 24 players. Another thing only reserve if you are sure that you will play the game as long as you are in it. I don't want another season where half of the players suicide or many players suicide at the beginning. I won't be mad about suicides, but if you play this season, please make an effort to not suicide at the very beginning. I am more understanding in the middle of the game. Also anyone who reserves should also comment their favorite challenge for possible use in the game.

How many suicides will be in this season of BobVivor?
24(don't you dare)
1(not bad)
2(still ok)
5(could be worse)
deletedabout 7 years

my favorite challenge is reflex!!
about 7 years
This game will take place in 7 days, remember to reserve.
about 7 years
I am just commenting to put this in recent topics.
about 7 years
wow gj you made me laugh at the poll and i rarely find things in that way

hopefully i can join in this looks neat
about 7 years
I will simultaneously bump, tentaserve, and tell you my favorite challenge is General Knowledge Trivia because this looks interesting.