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50p Game RSVP Thread (Sat 4/15)

over 7 years

Hello, all.

If you don't already know by now, I try to host a big 50p game once a week on Saturdays. The next game will be Saturday, April 15th at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern. RSVP by either signing the petition or commenting below. I hope to see you all there!

RSVP for Saturday's 50p Game
5 signed
By signing this petition, I will be joining Saturday's game.
Which is correct?
Lightning bugs
over 7 years

iminthetoilet says

i have an important question. will this game be in ranked mode?

lol no
over 7 years
i have an important question. will this game be in ranked mode?
over 7 years
I'll have to see if I can join
over 7 years
Same lmao i tried to vote that it's fireflies because it is a firefly, if you are looking for proof:
over 7 years
I accidentally signed the petition. Please do not count on me playing