First Code :
10000000 10000100 00110101 11100000 00010000 01000111 10000010 10000111 11001110 00011111 01110000 01100000
First Hint:
1: 1414233143311314123241355555555
(Next hint will be revealed on a new date)
Second Code :
kbx vdxvvf mwvfmy rfw oew zofv eutc
Second Hint:
It comes when needed,
It goes once done,
But it is always there,
In need - to return!
2: The term we are looking for is scientific.
(Next hint on a later date)
Third Code :
132, 3323, 1231, 184, 2110, 342, 158, 335, 1424, 712
Hint :
1: Rules;
2: Code numbers are full
3: Just look at the rules page! And work your way from there.
(New hint on a later date)
Good Luck. If all 3 codes are found, i will release the final code.