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EMBB5 Trophy Game

over 7 years



Fantasy Draft:


Announcement Doc:

Time Period


Post-Apocalyptic Future

Winner (Gold Trophy)

Final Two


Arisuu's Speech:

Firestone's Speech:

Eatemuptigs' Jury Speech: Eatemuptigs' Response to Arisuu:

Nostalgicpurposes' Jury Speech:

Alexroberts' Jury Speech:

Ahrre's Jury Speech:

Hyperro's Jury Speech:

Tillie's Jury Speech:

Bryce1997's Jury Speech:

Evicted (Bronze Trophy)

Memory Wall:

over 7 years
My. Queen. My. Queen. My. Queen.
over 7 years
[10:04:41 PM] Jessy: It's time for the results of the HOH Competition!
[10:05:34 PM] Andre (Firestone): hi
[10:05:41 PM] Bryce: yay!!
[10:05:44 PM] Arisuu: haii
[10:06:00 PM] Ahrre: Heyo
[10:06:00 PM] Bryce: I'm not triggered by colors anymore I now have such an appreciation and devotion to colors, theyre so pretty!!
[10:06:21 PM] Andre (Firestone): lmao
[10:06:23 PM] Ahrre: Lol and why is that?
[10:06:46 PM] Ahrre: Was the color pstd a side effect of the challange?
[10:06:57 PM] Bryce: idk now I really just love colorss
[10:07:03 PM] Bryce: like omg so many shades
[10:07:07 PM] Bryce: and theyre all so unique
[10:07:12 PM] Jessy: With a score of
[10:07:20 PM] Jessy: 9.3
[10:07:34 PM] Jessy: Alexroberts!
[10:07:49 PM] Jessy: With a score of
[10:07:51 PM] Bryce: wooh!!
[10:07:54 PM] Ahrre: The laaad
[10:08:15 PM] Bryce: that score was higher than all my sscores before like 20 minutes ago
[10:08:22 PM] Andre (Firestone): i bet someone got 10 tbh
[10:08:24 PM] Jessy: 9.9
[10:08:30 PM] Jessy: Bryce1997!
[10:08:33 PM] Bryce: bet multiple people did better than 10 tbh
[10:08:33 PM] Jessy: #Supercorp
[10:08:40 PM] Arisuu: congrats brycey
[10:08:41 PM] Bryce: supercorp (inlove)
[10:08:45 PM] Jessy: With a score of
[10:08:57 PM] Jessy: 10.2 to 10.7
[10:09:07 PM] Bryce: I am proud of my 9.9 honestly
[10:09:08 PM] Andre (Firestone): wait
[10:09:09 PM] Ahrre: Ayyyy
[10:09:14 PM] Andre (Firestone): u can exceed 10?
[10:09:15 PM] Jessy: Arisuu wins HOH!
[10:09:21 PM] Bryce: gj alice!
[10:09:22 PM] Arisuu: yayyyyyy
[10:09:24 PM] Bryce: and gj ahrre!!
[10:09:28 PM] Andre (Firestone): grats alice!
[10:09:30 PM] Ahrre: (party)
[10:09:33 PM] Jessy: You have until 10 PM EDT tomorrow to submit your nominations and a speech.
over 7 years
tillie? Legend
over 7 years
No tillie :(
over 7 years

when both of my draftees get twistf*cked
over 7 years
over 7 years
[10:10:22 PM] Jessy: The time machine has been flying periodically throughout time, but we have finally reached our next destination.
[10:10:33 PM] Andre (Firestone): hawaii
[10:10:35 PM] Jessy: The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe.
[10:10:38 PM] Andre (Firestone): mississipi
[10:10:40 PM] Jessy: Welcome to the Renaissance.
[10:10:44 PM] Andre (Firestone): :O
[10:10:45 PM] Andre (Firestone): cool
[10:10:56 PM] Bryce: omg yay!!!!
[10:11:16 PM] Jake: bryce
[10:11:22 PM] Jake: if you make your icon
[10:11:22 PM] Jessy: Our Head of Household competition will be Color Method.
[10:11:28 PM] Jessy: Do your best to identify the colors.
[10:11:35 PM] Jake: anyone from assassins creed, like ezio
[10:11:36 PM] Jessy: In the Renaissance, art was one of the most important things in the period. You can do the blind option if needed.
[10:11:41 PM] Jessy: You have until 10:00 PM EDT tomorrow. Your submission must have your skype showing.
[10:11:57 PM] Andre (Firestone): gg i cant compete bye
over 7 years
i may have got 4th but at least i didn't get out like this jesus christ
over 7 years
[8:36:52 PM] αlly ∞: Congratulations on surviving, houseguests. You've made f5. 3 out of 5 of you will win trophies. Will you be one of them?
[8:37:03 PM] Alex Roberts: probably not
[8:37:10 PM] αlly ∞: Your HoH will come later tonight.
[8:37:16 PM] Ahrre: Hahahahahahhahahahahhahahha no
over 7 years
Team Ahrre
over 7 years

Me @ Anthony being evicted bc he couldn't use his PoV.
over 7 years
[9:34:08 PM] Tillie: ya
[9:34:10 PM] Bryce: bye tara ufsdlk
[9:34:11 PM] Ally: Thank you for playing!
[9:34:13 PM] Tillie: see ya
[9:34:14 PM] *** Ally removed Tillie from this conversation. ***
[9:34:21 PM] Alex Roberts: Jsjdjjv
[9:34:35 PM] Alex Roberts: Final 5 wth
over 7 years
[9:33:12 PM] Ally: You have 5 minutes to say your goodbyes.
[9:33:13 PM] Ally:
[9:33:19 PM] Ahrre: Omg someone give me gifs
[9:33:22 PM] Arisuu: bye tillie.
[9:33:30 PM] Alex Roberts: omg bye tara
[9:33:38 PM] Tillie: love u everyone else
[9:33:45 PM] Tillie: thank u guys for hosting
[9:33:48 PM] Ahrre: Omg love you tara
[9:33:51 PM] Tillie: v fun game
[9:33:57 PM] Ally: Interesting.
[9:34:01 PM] Ally: Are you done, Tara?
over 7 years
rip Tillie
over 7 years
[9:32:26 PM] Ally: When I read the vote, the evicted houseguest will have 5 minutes to say their goodbyes and leave.
[9:32:47 PM] Ally: By a vote
[9:32:52 PM] Ally: of 2-1
[9:32:54 PM] Ally: ...
[9:32:55 PM] Ally: ...
[9:32:56 PM] Ally: ...
[9:32:58 PM] Ally: Bryce1997
[9:32:59 PM] Ally: ...
[9:33:00 PM] Ally: ...
[9:33:00 PM] Scott: :O
[9:33:03 PM] Ally: You are safe.
[9:33:06 PM] Jake: EEEK
[9:33:08 PM] Ally: Tillie, you have been evicted from the embb5 house.
over 7 years
[9:31:03 PM] Ally: Ahrre: Firestone, as I have vetoed one of your nominees, you must now name a replacement.
[9:31:08 PM] Ahrre: What
[9:31:17 PM] Ahrre: Ohhh
[9:31:19 PM] Ally: Firestone: I have chosen to renominate...
[9:31:19 PM] Ally: ...
[9:31:20 PM] Ally: ...
[9:31:21 PM] Ally: ...
[9:31:23 PM] Ahrre: I tought for a sec
[9:31:25 PM] Scott: What are you whatting?
[9:31:28 PM] Ally: Tillie.
[9:31:30 PM] Ally:
[9:31:32 PM] Ahrre: That I renommed myself
[9:31:32 PM] Jake: SHOOK
[9:31:34 PM] Jake: SHOOK
[9:31:38 PM] Jake: SHOOKKKKKKK
[9:31:41 PM] Arisuu: shook shook shook shook *shook
[9:31:53 PM] Ahrre: Spooked
[9:31:55 PM] Ally: The final nominees are Bryce1997 and Tillie.
[9:32:02 PM] Bryce: shook
[9:32:06 PM] Alex Roberts: nsjjc
[9:32:11 PM] Ally: Houseguests, the votes are in.
over 7 years
[9:30:18 PM] Ally: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony.
[9:30:23 PM] Bryce: hi hi
[9:30:29 PM] Alex Roberts: O no
[9:30:31 PM] Ally: Ahrre: As PoV holder, I have the power to remove one nominee from the block.
[9:30:36 PM] Ally: Ahrre: I have chosen to use the PoV on
[9:30:37 PM] Ally: ...
[9:30:37 PM] Ally: ...
[9:30:38 PM] Ally: ...
[9:30:40 PM] Ally: Ahrre: Myself.
[9:30:40 PM] Bryce: ahrre thanks <3
[9:30:42 PM] Bryce: WOW
[9:30:45 PM] Jake: SHOOK
[9:30:45 PM] Bryce: shooketh
[9:30:46 PM] Scott: inb4 ahrre vetoes Bryce
[9:30:50 PM] Jake: NEVER CALLED THAT
[9:30:51 PM] Scott: Rip
[9:30:54 PM] Ahrre: What
[9:30:54 PM] Bryce: votes*
[9:30:58 PM] Ahrre: Wait what
over 7 years
[8:27:17 PM] Jessy: It's down to Firestone, Ahrre and Alexroberts.
[8:27:26 PM] Alex Roberts: 2nd again ols
[8:27:30 PM] Jessy: In 3rd place with 41:39....
[8:27:32 PM] Jessy: .
[8:27:34 PM] Jessy: .
[8:27:39 PM] Jessy: Alexroberts!
[8:27:46 PM] Bryce: icon
[8:27:49 PM] Scott: Wait Alex is awake
[8:27:52 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: AlexThirdberts!
[8:27:54 PM] Alex Roberts: yes sadly
[8:27:55 PM] Jessy: Ahrre or Firestone will take home the Power of Veto win.
[8:27:57 PM] Ahrre: GJ!
[8:28:00 PM] Alex Roberts: ty jake
[8:28:07 PM] Ahrre: Gl Andre
[8:28:13 PM] Ahrre: Even though he's afk
[8:28:15 PM] alice ~: good luck to both of you
[8:28:20 PM] Bryce: yaaaaaaaa
[8:28:23 PM] αlly ∞: Andre wins HoH in his sleep.
[8:28:34 PM] Jessy: In 2nd place with a time of
[8:28:36 PM] Scott: He's that good
[8:28:45 PM] Scott: I would say iconic but I don't say that
[8:28:49 PM] Jessy: .
[8:28:50 PM] Jessy: .
[8:28:54 PM] Bryce: iconic
[8:28:56 PM] Jessy: 30:22
[8:28:59 PM] Jessy: Firestone!
[8:29:03 PM] Jessy: Ahrre has won the Power of Veto!
[8:29:04 PM] alice ~: YAY AHRRE SLAY
[8:29:06 PM] Alex Roberts: whew
[8:29:07 PM] Bryce: what the heck how do you do it that fast
[8:29:08 PM] Alex Roberts: gj ahrre
[8:29:10 PM] Ahrre: YEEESSSS
[8:29:10 PM] Bryce: gj ahrre!
[8:29:13 PM] Jessy: With a time of 22:33!
[8:29:15 PM] Jessy:
[8:29:18 PM] Ahrre: Inb4 time stop
[8:29:20 PM] Alex Roberts: wth ahrre LOL
[8:29:25 PM] Ahrre: Ty guys!
over 7 years
omg my draft didn't die
over 7 years
over 7 years
[8:24:47 PM] Jessy: It's time for the results of the Power of Veto competition.
[8:24:50 PM] Alex Roberts: mdjdkc
[8:24:51 PM] Bryce:
[8:25:09 PM] Bryce: I wish I could be the baddest tho idk who that is <3
[8:25:25 PM] Jessy: In 6th place with an abstain…
[8:25:27 PM] Ahrre: I'm bad in the sense i suck
[8:25:34 PM] Jessy: .
[8:25:36 PM] Bryce: same
[8:25:38 PM] Jessy: .
[8:25:42 PM] Jessy: Arisuu!
[8:25:55 PM] Bryce: icon
[8:26:04 PM] Jessy: In 5th place with 97:11....
[8:26:12 PM] Jessy: .
[8:26:14 PM] Jessy: .
[8:26:17 PM] Jessy: Tillie!
[8:26:20 PM] Tara: woo
[8:26:23 PM] Alex Roberts: whew too fast
[8:26:32 PM] Ahrre: Too furious
[8:26:37 PM] Bryce: gj!
[8:26:39 PM] Bryce: icon
[8:26:48 PM] Jessy: In 4th place with 45:05....
[8:26:50 PM] Scott: I haven't looked at the results yet so I'll be as shook as the rest of you
[8:26:52 PM] Jessy: .
[8:26:53 PM] Jessy: .
[8:27:01 PM] Jessy: Bryce1997!
[8:27:03 PM] Nat: same scott
over 7 years
[8:22:10 PM] Ahrre: Ari not wanting to win the hoh
[8:22:14 PM] Ahrre: How iconic
[8:22:19 PM] alice ~: pfft ahrre
[8:22:22 PM] alice ~: i'm just glad firestone won obv
[8:22:29 PM] Jessy: It is time for the nomination ceremony.
[8:22:42 PM] Jessy: Since there was no key order, I will randomize it.
[8:22:59 PM] Jessy: First key...
[8:23:05 PM] Jessy: Alexroberts!
[8:23:17 PM] Alex Roberts: ong first key when its random
[8:23:18 PM] Alex Roberts: shady
[8:23:24 PM] Jessy: Second key...
[8:23:28 PM] Ahrre: #rigged
[8:23:33 PM] Jessy: Arisuu!
[8:23:41 PM] alice ~: ty andre!! <3
[8:23:46 PM] Jessy: Third key...
[8:23:57 PM] Jessy: Tillie!
[8:24:03 PM] Jessy: Firestone has nominated Bryce1997 and Ahrre.
[8:24:11 PM] Jessy:
[8:24:13 PM] Ahrre: Oh what a twist
[8:24:13 PM] Tara: thank you soo much Andre!!!!
over 7 years
[9:20:39 PM] Ally: in 3rd place with 8675
[9:20:40 PM] Ally: ...
[9:20:40 PM] Ally: ...
[9:20:42 PM] Ally: alexroberts
[9:20:48 PM] Bryce: how people get higher thn 2000 is shookening to me
[9:20:48 PM] Alex Roberts: drama
[9:20:49 PM] Ally: And with a score
[9:21:02 PM] Ally: of 14619 to 12108
[9:21:08 PM] Ally: Your new Head of Household is
[9:21:09 PM] Ally: ...
[9:21:09 PM] Ally: ...
[9:21:11 PM] Ally: Firestone!
[9:21:13 PM] Ally:

[9:21:16 PM] Alex Roberts: oh phew
[9:21:18 PM] Arisuu: NICE
[9:21:19 PM] Bryce: gj!!
[9:21:20 PM] Ahrre: Boiii
over 7 years
[9:19:49 PM] Ally: Hello houseguests.
[9:19:49 PM] Bryce: me too!
[9:19:57 PM] Ally: It's time for the Fast Forward to begin!
[9:19:59 PM] Ahrre: And who are you?
[9:20:01 PM] Ally: Let's start with HoH results.
[9:20:16 PM] Ally: In 5th place with an abstain
[9:20:16 PM] Ally: ...
[9:20:17 PM] Ally: ...
[9:20:17 PM] Alex Roberts: u guys are all boycotting this if im gone right?
[9:20:18 PM] Bryce: I slayed this tbh
[9:20:20 PM] Ally: Bryce1997
[9:20:24 PM] Alex Roberts: gj
[9:20:26 PM] Ally: In 4th place with 5535
[9:20:27 PM] Ally: ...
[9:20:28 PM] Ally: ...
[9:20:30 PM] Ally: tillie
over 7 years
[8:15:55 PM] Jessy: It's time for eviction.
[8:15:58 PM] Ahrre: Next up in cheaters
[8:16:21 PM] Jessy: When I announce the evictee, they will only have 2 minutes to say their goodbyes and leave.
[8:16:34 PM] Jessy: By a vote of 3-2...
[8:16:38 PM] Anthony: oh hey
[8:16:46 PM] Anthony: eatemuptigs is evicted
[8:16:47 PM] Anthony: yeah
[8:17:02 PM] Jessy: Eatemuptigs, you are evicted from the EMBB house. Please say your goodbyes and leave. You have 2 minutes.
[8:17:03 PM] Nat: ripperino
[8:17:06 PM] Anthony: 2 MINUTES
[8:17:07 PM] Anthony: WTF
[8:17:14 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: you had 24 extra hours
[8:17:16 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: jks
[8:17:19 PM] Jessy: Do you want 3 more minutes?
[8:17:21 PM] Anthony: umm
[8:17:22 PM] Anthony: sure
[8:17:26 PM] Jessy: i thought you would want to leave ASAP!
[8:17:26 PM] Ahrre: 7thEatmutpigs
[8:17:33 PM] Jessy:
[8:17:35 PM] alice ~: whoa bryce voted alex why am i not surprised
[8:17:37 PM] Alex Roberts: 3-2 hey
[8:17:43 PM] Alex Roberts: i will find u
[8:17:47 PM] Alex Roberts: : )
[8:17:59 PM] Anthony: there's a reason I broke up with some people, lets just say that : ) ) ) )
[8:18:03 PM] Ahrre: I have a very particular set of gifts
[8:18:06 PM] alice ~: anth no one believes your fake fights
[8:18:08 PM] Anthony: good by e
[8:18:12 PM] alice ~: sure you didnt bryce..
[8:18:13 PM] *** Anthony has left ***
[8:18:21 PM] Alex Roberts: my love
[8:18:23 PM] Alex Roberts: is gone