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EMBB5 Cast Reveal & Fantasy Draft!

almost 8 years

Welcome to the EMBB5 Cast Reveal and Fantasy Draft!

The Hosts

jessys, OtherScott, cosmoiswatching, cjn104

FireDragonPrince, Ally, powerofdeath, nattless

The Cast


16 | | |

"Hey members of, Adam aka TennisBallBFDI2 here. This is my first ever trophy game which makes me super pumped. In real life, people view me as an outcast, an oddball, a nerd and a bunch of other things. I am so glad that my superfan-ness powers helped mw get selected. I have played other org s where I am known for doing something dumb at the beginning portion of the second half of the game. My highest placement is 7th, but I was idoled out 5*-2. I am glad to be here and I am here to play harder than I ever had before. Good luck other people, cause here comes Adam"


23 | | |

"I'm from the south, ain't got no accent, don't know why!" -Childish Gambino

hi yall, im nosta. i immigrated to TX, USA when i was very young but currently live in CO. i love rap music, eating above the suggested serving size and showersinging. looking forward to meeting new people"


20 | | |

"Hi I'm Bryce and I'm hoping to have a fun experience in this game! I like music, sleeping, and eating, so if you anyone likes any of those things we will for sure get along."


20 | | |

"Hi! I'm Jessica. I really like playing music and eating mashed potatoes. I am a main lobby scrub but I recently discovered the beauty that is survivor lobby! Um also you guys all rock and I love you all that's it bye <3"


16 | | |

"Hi i'm Michael I'm 16 from the UK, i'm a proud cassasinator (Cassandra Shahinfar) for those who don't know, her eviction was the day that I died. GL houseguests! <3"


16 | | |

"Greetings, everyone! It's Firestone speaking, but you can call me Andre as well! I'm 16 years old, and I live in the Philippines. Basically, I just want to say that I'm looking forward to playing this difficult, but nonetheless fun game with you all and hopefully, may the best player win!"


17 | | |

"Hi! I'm Halsey. I'm 17, and no, I am not male. I really enjoy binge watching TV shows, petting dogs, and eating pasta. I hope I won't flop this!!"


16 | | |

"Hi! I'm Chanman123 and I am looking forward to playing with everyone! I'm 16 years old, and I enjoy camping and reading. I hope to have fun playing in this and I am looking forward to meeting you all! I swear my avatar is not an owl."


16 | | |

"hi!! my name is tara n i'm super excited to play this season!! i hope i can make a lot of great friends along the way :~)"


21 | | |

"Hey everyone, I'm Markus, but everyone can call me Will. I'm 21 years old and I'm all the way from New Zealand at the bottom of the world. I'm really excited to be chosen for EMBB5 and I can't wait to meet all the other members of the house. Good luck to everyone playing."


15 | | |

"Hi, I'm that white crayon in the pack of coloured pencils that nobody ever used, Alex. My mother gave birth to me 15 years ago, but if anyone asks in 18. I'm here to make more drag race references than before and also to push my secret agenda to force anyone that comes into * contact* with me to share my interests and things I love. Jaymes was robbed and I'm never going to be able to recover emotionally."


19 | | |

"Hi I'm Nolan! I'm a simple college student in Minnesota who loves Survivor and Big Brother. I'm ready to have a fun time and put on a great season!"


17 | | |

"emm well hi I guess, I'm the dude with the unpronounceable name that wasn't originally going to apply for this until someone recomended me and now my competitive side kicks in and I start slaying like that scene on star wars when the dude in black with the funny voice kills all the children. Apart from that I'm a 17 argentinian mainly dude that can't grow a bear who will say stupid to get away with his multiple inevitable ups, so vote for me or something. (rockchick)"


27 | | |

"Hey! Collokey here, but you can call me Collo. I'm 27, but what I lack in youth, I make up for with immaturity. I'm here to be middle of the pack, get stabbed in the back, and eat lots of snacks. Can't wait to awkwardly stare all of you down!"


18 | | |

"Hi everyone! I’m Anthony, also known as eatem or Anthon Yeats. I am 18 years old, and no, I won’t eat your pigs. I played in EMVivor Season 1, and think I did pretty decent on there, and had LOADS of fun interacting with everyone, so I thought I’d try EMBB! A quick bit about me, I am currently studying mechanical engineering in college, and I am hoping I can engineer a victory in EMBB5!"


17 | | |

"hai there! I'm arisuu, currently 17, & my favorite color is purple. I'm outgoing, friendly, and also kinda random. anyway I'm pretty excited to be part of the cast and I look forward to meeting everyone. I'm hoping to befriend new peeps, have fun, and maybe even win a trophy!! glhf~"

Who are you rooting for this season??
bryce1997 / jess
tillie / Markus
eatemuptigs / arisuu
HalseyMartinez / Chanman123
MichaelA16 / Firestone
alexroberts / Hyperro
TennisBallBFDI / nostalgicpurposes
ahrre / collokey
almost 8 years
30. ryman - jess, Firestone (5)
31. Voice- tillie, alexroberts (4)

we killing it.
almost 8 years
Current Standings:
1. ShiroWhite - arisuu, Chanman123, Hyperro (20)
1. LineLiar- Hyperro, arisuu, Firestone (20)
3. ImDory- eatemuptigs, Chanman123, Hyperro (15)
3. JohnBatman- bryce1997, nostalgicpurposes, Hyperro (15)
5. karthikbk - arisuu, bryce1997, Markus (14)
5. R0ronoaZoro- collokey, arisuu, Markus (14)
7. Ripple - ahrre, Hyperro (13)
8. Ioris- Jess, arisuu, Firestone (12)
9. Cammy- bryce1997, eatemuptigs, arisuu (11)
10. Nicol - jess, Markus, tillie (10)
11. ISamEI - eatemuptigs, nostalgicpurposes, Markus (9)
11. Alec- Markus, collokey, collokey (9)
13. HighSpace - nostalgicpurposes, ahrre, Jess (7)
13. hedger- jess, nostalgicpurposes, HalseyMartinez (7)
13. Lelmoo- Firestone, Chanman123, Jess (7)
16. imsohappy- alexroberts, Firestone, TennisBallBFDI (6)
16. SirPerior - TennisBallBFDI, eatemuptigs, MichaelA16 (6)
16. qrstuv- collokey, TennisBallBFDI, nostalgicpurposes (6)
16. SirAmelio - eatemuptigs, tillie, Chanman123 (6)
16. Jellofish- TennisBallBFDI, MichaelA16, HalseyMartinez (6)
16. HardCarry - Chanman123, tillie, Chanman123 (6)
16. UltraAug - alexroberts, alexroberts, alexroberts (6)
16. 100GOD - bryce1997, nostalgicpurposes, tillie (6)
16. itxLuca - bryce1997, HalseyMartinez, tillie (6)
16. cinnanie - Firestone, alexroberts, bryce1997 (6)
16. Picante- HalseyMartinez, collokey, ahrre (6)
16. coolkidrox123- MichaelA16, ahrre, collokey (6)
16. deandean- TennisBallBFDI, TennisBallBFDI, Firestone, LolaInSlacks (6)
16. PotatoPlayer- eatemuptigs, HalseyMartinez, ahrre (6)
30. ryman - jess, Firestone (5)
31. Voice- tillie, alexroberts (4)

Player Points:
MichaelA16- 2
collokey - 2
jess - 2

nostalgicpurposes- 2
TennisBallBFDI- 2
Firestone - 2
HalseyMartinez - 2
Chanman123 - 2
tillie - 2
Markus - 5
alexroberts - 2
Hyperro - 11
ahrre - 2
bryce1997 - 2
eatemuptigs - 2
arisuu - 7
almost 8 years
You have three players Ultra. It just happens that all three players are the same player.

AlexRoberts is basically the trinity of your team.
almost 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Otherscott says

UltraAug - alexroberts, alexroberts, alexroberts

If you only have one player on your team I didn't bother including you because your shot of winning is zero and your shot of placing high is very low.

almost 8 years
>If you only have one player on your team I didn't bother including you because your shot of winning is zero and your shot of placing high is very low.

almost 8 years
The teams for this season's fantasy draft:
SirAmelio - eatemuptigs, tillie, Chanman123
ShiroWhite - arisuu, Chanman123, Hyperro
100GOD - bryce1997, nostalgicpurposes, tillie
HighSpace - nostalgicpurposes, ahrre, Jess
itxLuca - bryce1997, HalseyMartinez, tillie
Picante- HalseyMartinez, collokey, ahrre
ryman - jess, Firestone
Jellofish- TennisBallBFDI, MichaelA16, HalseyMartinez
Nicol - jess, Markus, tillie
ISamEI - eatemuptigs, nostalgicpurposes, Markus
HardCarry - Chanman123, tillie, Chanman123
qrstuv- collokey, TennisBallBFDI, nostalgicpurposes
karthikbk - arisuu, bryce1997, Markus
cinnanie - Firestone, alexroberts, bryce1997
UltraAug - alexroberts, alexroberts, alexroberts
SirPerior - TennisBallBFDI, eatemuptigs, MichaelA16
imsohappy- alexroberts, Firestone, TennisBallBFDI
coolkidrox123- MichaelA16, ahrre, collokey
LineLiar- Hyperro, arisuu, Firestone
Ioris- Jess, arisuu, Firestone
hedger- jess, nostalgicpurposes, HalseyMartinez
ImDory- eatemuptigs, Chanman123, Hyperro
Lelmoo- Firestone, Chanman123, Jess
Ripple - ahrre, Hyperro
R0ronoaZoro- collokey, arisuu, Markus
Cammy- bryce1997, eatemuptigs, arisuu
JohnBatman- bryce1997, nostalgicpurposes, Hyperro
PotatoPlayer- eatemuptigs, HalseyMartinez, ahrre
Voice- tillie, alexroberts
deandean- TennisBallBFDI, TennisBallBFDI, Firestone, LolaInSlacks
Alec- Markus, collokey, collokey

If you only have one player on your team I didn't bother including you because your shot of winning is zero and your shot of placing high is very low.
almost 8 years

100GOD says

Drafting collokey for Alec as he is in school!

michael x2
ahrrex x2

♡ :*
almost 8 years
The draft is officially closed.

I will post the final teams tomorrow.
almost 8 years
I only want 2 people cause I'm a god
almost 8 years

eatemuptigs says

PotatoPlayer says

I pick ahrre
my completed team of eatemuptipgs, hals, and ahrre

michael x2
ahrrex x1

You spell my username wrong intentionally every time don't you

deletedalmost 8 years

PotatoPlayer says

I pick ahrre
my completed team of eatemuptipgs, hals, and ahrre

michael x2
ahrrex x1

You spell my username wrong intentionally every time don't you
almost 8 years
I pick ahrre
my completed team of eatemuptipgs, hals, and ahrre

michael x2
ahrrex x1
almost 8 years
2nd collokey for Alec!

michael x2
ahrrex x2

I believe his completed team is Markus, collokey, collokey!
almost 8 years
1 hr 40 minutes until the draft closes

We currently have 25 full teams, with an additional 4 with two players. If your team has one player you will not be included in the standings as you have no shot at winning.

Incomplete teams: ryman

If you believe your team is complete and you are on this list, contact me and we will figure out what I missed.
almost 8 years
Drafting collokey for Alec as he is in school!

michael x2
ahrrex x2
almost 8 years
bryce/nosta/hyperro, great team!!
almost 8 years
same i wanted jess and then firestone, but this works too



michael x2
ahrrex x2
collo x2
almost 8 years
let it be known that i wanted anthony, but the draft closes soon so


michael x2
hyperro x1
ahrrex x2
collo x2
deletedalmost 8 years
I trust fire.

michael x2
fire x1
hyperro x1
ahrrex x2
collo x2
almost 8 years


michael x2
fire x2
hyperro x1
ahrrex x2
collo x2
almost 8 years

michael x2
fire x2
hyperro x1
ahrre x2
collo x2
nostalgicpurposes x1
almost 8 years
Teams still to be completed:

almost 8 years
I was not here monitoring this last night, but JohnBatman did not wait the 30 minutes between selections for his second and third pick. His second and third picks have been negated and added back to the pool. JohnBatman you still have to pick your players.

Apologies for the inconvenience everyone.

michael x2
fire x2
hyperro x1
ahrre x2
collo x2
jess x1
nostalgicpurposes x1
almost 8 years
Team completed
Eatemuptigs, hyperro, chanman123
almost 8 years

michael x2
fire x2
hyperro x1
ahrre x2
collo x2