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Arsonist Revamp

over 7 years

People lit on fire by the arsonist shouldn't immediately die, but, should instead be given five seconds to speak in only caps locks before dying. This is a very simple suggestion so I thought it was worthy of placing here.

over 7 years
bob marley - i shot the sheriff should play when sheriff gets shot
over 7 years
invisible man should be able to whisper anonymously
over 7 years
if 3 people throw snowballs at the same person they become a snowman
over 7 years
how about an option to burn the noose instead of players you've doused (1 time only) thus suspending voting for the day
over 7 years

cub says

the text should also set fire

and maybe a snowball could put someone out too? maybe?
over 7 years
the text should also set fire
over 7 years
5 seconds to convince town you're watcher and know who visited you so you can rl some sucker
over 7 years
This is the least terrible thing you ever posted