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50p Game RSVP Thread (Sat Mar 25th)

over 7 years

Hello, all.

If you don't already know by now, I try to host a big 50p game once a week on Saturdays. The next game will be on the 25th at 1pm PDT. RSVP by either signing the petition or commenting below. I hope to see you all there!

RSVP for Saturday's game
5 signed
By signing the petition, I hereby RSVP for Saturday's game.
How did you react to 808 winning as fool in the last edition of Absolute Clusterfuck?
I got aroused
I died a little inside
I laughed
I cryed
I was angry
I was sad
I was disappointed
over 7 years
Congrats Idiot for winning Day 2! Good game, lads.

over 7 years
Bumping this
over 7 years
Special Announcement!

If for any reason any of the 50 names who attended the LAST 50 player game can not make it then these 50 players will be eligible to take their DOUBLE TOKEN WINNINGS.

This is only if someone from the original 50 do not show. So, this is your LAST CHANCE to DOUBLE YOUR TOKEN WINNINGS (only if someone from the original 50 player promotional game doesn't show)