over 7 years

You are sent to an arena with the rest of your classmates, given a bag of weapons and food, and told to brutally fight until there’s only one person standing!


What you'll need:

  • A discord account
  • A fair amount of free time
  • Basic writing skill (it's a roleplay!)
  • A character (you can join before you make yours.)

We're having an Attack the Block mini-event later today! Anyone is welcome so as long as they can be respectful to others.

over 7 years
over 7 years
P.S. that wasn't a joke. The invitation is being processed as we speak.
over 7 years
If there is going to be ANY type of Battle Royal then I personally recommend the only EM user who can call themselves a winner of the 30 Mafia Royal Rumble...

I volunteer the 2017 30 Mafia Royal Rumble Winner & Headliner of WrestleMafia, Featured Player of Plissken's 200th... Victini!

I will contact Victini about this immediately and we will get back to you before the fun starts.
over 7 years
I wanna play. Add me pls :)
over 7 years
over 7 years
austin is alive???