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The Most Unfair Game in Survivor

over 7 years

Welcome to the Biggest Most Unfair Most Biased Most Meta Game in Survivor Lobby History!

You wake up in an empty room. You keep wondering to yourself "How did I get here?" but your questions never answered. You keep wandering around the wide - yet furniture-less (Totally a word) house. There are no doors, no windows, no vents. Just an empty room. You keep wondering for hours... days... weeks... months... Years.

Finally, after years of wandering, you fall into the pit of insanity. Only then, On the day of Friday 17th of March you are greeted by your generous host. "Welcome to my game!" He shouted in the most sick... most awful most psychopathic way you've ever heard "Let's get to the point: I have abducted you all here for a reason!" You just stand there silently questioning your sanity.

"HOW TO WIN:...." He said. He then stands there silently. For hours. Teasing you so hard it makes you want to do anything to make him speak. It takes you at least another 4 hours to finally realize there were other people too.

"ONLY THE HOST CAN TELL." He finally said "Any questions? No, good ok let the games begin!"


7 signed
I reserve for da game
over 7 years
alight, lockin' dis thing up
over 7 years

tillie says

what time is this est


IK timezones exist jesus
@Alec it's all ur fault for confusing ppl now
deletedover 7 years
i would think it's 11 am est but idk
over 7 years
what time is this est
over 7 years

iatepewdiepie says

Alec says

and what day is it today?


finally learned timezones exist, dear?
over 7 years

Alec says

and what day is it today?

over 7 years
and what day is it today?
over 7 years

Alec says

Beware the Ides of March.

Ides was for 15th of march

GJ using it out of context
over 7 years
Beware the Ides of March.