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draw a robot

over 7 years

help me come up with a quirky robot design

heres one

over 7 years
Is that one of those new asian robot thingies?
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
i call it shroombot. it can extend for wifi.

deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

Herredy says

the best model

over 7 years
over 7 years

The best robot will win TEN TIMES the Special Rewards during Plissken's 200th (April 16th-April 22nd) and will be honored at the event in a way that could end up benefiting Cub with Special Rewards as well!

Happy Designing!
deletedover 7 years

the best model
over 7 years
a classic model
over 7 years
heres another one
over 7 years

I'm helping