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What does KFC stand for?

over 7 years

Killing Filthy ...

over 7 years
What rhymes with boon? I'll give you a hint it's not zoon, boon, boone, broun, bruen, brune, bruun, choon, clune, coone, croon, cu in, doone, dune, goon, gruen, grune, heun, hewn, hoon, joon, june, keune, koon, koone, kroon, kuehn, kuehne, kuhn, loon, mhoon, moon, moone, noon, noone, poon, prune, roone, rune, schoon, scoon, shewn, shoen, shoon, soon, spoon, strewn, suen, swoon, thune, toon, toone, troon, tune, yoon
over 7 years
over 7 years