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Survivor: BvBvB

deletedover 7 years

The Hosts

On Friday, March 17th, at 8PM EST, eatemuptigs and I will be hosting Survivor: Brains vs. Beauty vs. Brawns

We will only be accepting ANYONE who signs up. So sign up below if you'd like to play. We do ask that you only play if you are willing to make the full commitment to the game. Otherwise, please don't take away the experience from someone else that would like to participate.

Which tribe do you believe you belong on?
None of them
All of them
over 7 years
my league game went on for too long and i missed it kms
over 7 years
reserve/replacement for itssoamazing.
over 7 years
hello i be the play?
over 7 years
over 7 years
In case i never signed up reserve/replacement
over 7 years
I don't mind being a replacement
deletedover 7 years

HighSpace says

can I reserve

Yes you can!
over 7 years
can I reserve
over 7 years
henlo i would like 2 play
over 7 years
Unfortunately, something has come up and I wont be able to play in your game tonight. I hope it goes smoothly and gl to everyone playing
over 7 years
I'm down to play
deletedover 7 years
Reserving for Aerugo
deletedover 7 years
ok I'm playing
over 7 years
3 tribes of 10 players each. This is unprecedented in the lobby, I think. Sadly, I will have to revoke my reservation as I am working that night. Go Brains Tribe!
deletedover 7 years
I wanna play
deletedover 7 years
I'll play
deletedover 7 years
Zeezo tentareserves
deletedover 7 years

Anyone that signed up will be able to play, and we will still continue to allow players to sign up until an hour before the game! Players who reserved will have 10 minutes to show up the game, then it will be opened up to players who didn't reserve. We are planning up to 30 players max. However, we have prepared in case there are more/less if needed.

This means SIGN UP!

over 7 years
im in!
over 7 years
sure maybe :3
over 7 years
hm maybe
over 7 years
sure, maybe.
over 7 years
I'll be a sub
deletedover 7 years
We'd like to get a few more substitutes just in-case we have someone no-show to the game! Thank you!

Remember that the game is on Friday at 8PM EST!
over 7 years
Ill sub