Now that this whole opinion thing is starting to fade back into obscurity I'm going to do it. 100% Truth. Even if I don't like you (especially if I don't like you).
I am only slightly upset that I've been at this gig for 4 years and have basically been overshadowed by you in most aspects of gameplay. I specifically remember you getting voted out of an early Tribevivor for sucking at challenges and now you're trophying (3 TIMES) before me wtf.
Mild bitterness aside, we have a 10/10 relationship outside of the website and we're interested in all the same stuff, which definitely helps. Also I love it when people have the same sorta "dry" sense of humor that I do and in that sense we're basically twins.
Fun Fact (I'm only going to do these for people that I want to do a fun fact for): I remember rolling my eyes when you originally submitted Sonia for Fantasy Vivor. "wtf is this the best she can come up with?". Keep in mind I said all of this even though I knew who the character was the entire time.